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As a native German speaker, I have to say I think the non-German actors don't do too terrible of a job at it on this show. Of course some have a stronger accent than others, but that makes sense within the universe and is perfectly fine by me (John Smith/Rufus Sewell, for example).

Tagomi, Kido and Smith are why I watch the show, first and foremost. The rest of the bunch… I tolerate, for the most part.

His character and storyline are definitely at the top of my list, but I must admit that Inspector Kido is not far behind. Then John Smith (just him, not his family). After that, my interest in whatever other characters are left drops off rather sharply.

The point of CPR, if I recall my training correctly (soldier, not medical professional though, so grain of salt and all that), is actually primarily to keep the brain and other organs supplied with oxygen temporarily.

True, but this whole "2016 is the worst!" thing is still pretty ridiculous. It's perfectly possible to show empathy and compassion, to feel sadness and despair, without resorting to such hyperbole.

Sssshhhh, don't tell the internet our secrets!

Now, now, being miserable is hardly a privilege of the lefties. I'm a European centrist, and I can be perfectly miserable too, dammit!

Once Lorelai rolled over and it was Christopher in bed with her, I bailed as well (10-year-old spoiler, I guess). Similarly, I have so far not felt the desire to revisit the old episodes, or watch the new ones.

Plus, I'm pretty sure that tons of adults can't (or won't) tell the difference between fake-ish and real news either. Stupidity and ignorance don't really have age limits.

Even when they can, they often do not seem to want to, seems to me.

It's kinda weird, but I noticed a similar phenomenon with myself a while ago: I (usually) find it easier to care about female characters, so in a story with a lack of (compelling) ones, it takes a lot of work to compensate for that to hold my interest. It's not completely impossible (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is

No, I am!

We meet again!

Hey, it's me, yay!

I don't get the point of it being on a network. If you put it on HBO, Cinemax or something like that, at least you can sell it as a Boobies & Butts show, but on a network… well, as you said.

Reaction videos seem an utterly ridiculous notion to me, but I have actually found unboxing videos quite practical at times when I wanted to get a quick glimpse of what's in the box, what the object in question looks like in a person's hands, maybe a quick comment about its haptic qualities, without going into the

We've had mandatory health insurance in my country for about 20 years now. Insurance companies are required to accept you as a customer, and you are required to get health insurance by one of the companies (you can choose which one though).

As a person not from the US, the powers granted to the office of POTUS on the topic of foreign policy scare me quite a bit when thinking about those powers being bestowed upon Trump, to be honest.

As long as it's consensual, I wouldn't really care, but I agree that it's not going to happen (certainly not in the US, at least, and same probably for most other countries).

I appreciate your stance on the story side of things. Personally I'm just glad we're getting another movie where the protagonist knows how to handle his damn guns (yes, bit of a pet peeve of mine). Not that it's all super realistic, but at least the weapons handling is on point, as far as Hollywood standards go.