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I'm not really sure how important "nobility" is for dating somebody. It doesn't do you much good if you fall in love with a noble guy (or the nobler guy of the two suitors) who's on a suicide mission and is likely to get himself killed sooner rather than later (and that's what it seems to me is the impression Matt

I quite liked this. I never felt as much enthusiasm as for DD season 1, nor do I think it's flawless. But it also didn't get as boring as DD season 2's back half or the annoyingly repeated "We have Kilgrave - Oh no, we dont!" convolutions that JJ had to do to fill 13 episodes.

Now, now, just because he's not diagnosed (at least as far as we know) does not mean Zack Snyder doesn't actually have brain damage!

I sort of understand them, partially at least, but disagree with them. Luckily assisted suicide is legal where I live (well, "luckily" might be a bit of a stretch I suppose). We even get people from other countries coming here to die.

I reckon it will depend on the dog. I read on Wikipedia (I think, it's been a while) about a man who went hiking in the mountains with his dog, and died. The dog just stayed next to the dead body of his owner and by the time they were found, was too starved to survive or already dead (don't recall all the details).

Not as far as I know, though I can't say from personal experience since I only became aware of it due to an invite.

Yesyesyes, so stoked for this!

I think you might be the most mature person I've ever encountered on the internet. Not an understatement.

To any act against Jeeves and Wooster I say: Heresy! Heresy, I say!!!

And slow reload times.

I want more Nancy, Hopper and El. Not necessarily as a trio, but those three characters are the ones I noticed myself caring about the most. The trio of boys comes in second place (I'm not counting Will because he wasn't around much).

I can't speak for anyone else, but same for me, I need to have something playing out in my head while servicing myself.

One of my best friends used to be a cop; I've never known him to not be a decent man. Also, most cops I've personally dealt with treated me respectfully and correctly (not that "personal experience" is a reliable sample size, admittedly).

And I'd still prefer Francis Underwood over Donald Trump, to be honest. And Claire Underwood over Pence.

Yes, that. Definitely that.

Dammit, there go my plans for the weekend.

We have a similar system to the BBC here in Switzerland, and while it's not perfect either, the more I read about the US media landscape (specifically: related to news), the more I prefer our system I think.

It ain't perfect, but as a huge fan of their science and nature programming I do hope they keep trucking on. I have found no other outlet in the world which even comes close to them on that front.

I wouldn't have minded Bucky dying though, or hell, Cap himself actually. But I'm intrigued by Bucky's character and back story, so I'm also kinda looking forward to seeing more of him. I definitely agree on Rhodey though. Can't really see a strong reason not to kill him.