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I had to do a quadruple take on that one. I mean, just about the most important thing they drilled into me (former soldier, not cop) when it comes to rules of engagement is to know when to pull the trigger on somebody, for fuck's sake! If you can't answer the WHY, then you're not supposed to pull the bloody trigger.

In works of fiction, I must admit that this is mostly true for me. I don't know why though, I've been perplexed by this for a quite a while, but haven't been able to figure out the cause.

It is kinda weird. If you were to ask me which act of the two I consider morally worse, I would say burning a person (or, rephrased: Given the option to save either the person or the dog, I would most likely save the person).

I was not happy with the ending, but I still like the show overall.

Okay, I am not yet optimistic for this due to MoS and BvS, but I must admit now I kinda wanna see this. This just might be the first Movie of the current DC movie continuity to which I'm looking forward.

Hahaha, yeah, I know that's paramount to heresy around here.

Why would I want to contaminate my glorious fest of tits and dragons with Arrested Development? If somebody from the GoT universe could jump over to AD and kill all the annoying characters (so, about everyone, I'd think), I could see some upside to all this, but as things stand… not so much.

Politician and civil servant in one person? So you're going to unite Sir Humphrey's and the Minister's role in yourself. Nice!

Thanks! :-)

Ah, but no issue with Mayssacre Festival then?

Would I be calm, cool and collected upon discovering the mutilated corpse of the woman I just had sex with? Maybe, but probably not. Doesn't mean I'd be as stupid as Naz either. Can't say with certainty of course.

I cannot say with absolute certainty how I'd react upon the discovery of the mutilated corpse of a women I've just had sex with.

No tits, no dragons.

Don't you have a holiday for that? You should make one. I'd suggest Jan 1 to Dec 31.

Thanks for that info, I appreciate it.

Going by the training I've had and the cops I worked with while I was in the army, I can't really see how I'd be justified to pull on Sterling when he was on the ground. I mean, maybe he was going for his gun (can't tell from the video, and I will refrain from trying to read the mind of a dead guy), but even then, if

I watched the Sterling vid, and going by my training, I cannot see how I would be justified in pulling my gun on him in that situation, let alone shoot him (especially not several times). That's not what I was taught, nor what has been relayed to me by various cops over the years (I'm not a cop, used to be army,

True dat. Obviously they should be summarily executed on the privy, as Tywin was.

As far as shows about cars go, it was popular and probably about as decent as you're going to get with the format.

How about just retiring?