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Fair point. I suppose one's mileage varies on this one.

I'm not absolutely sure, but I figured the horse was as undead as Benjen and couldn't pass through the Wall either. But yes, he could at least have actually brought them to the wall. Maybe try to make contact with the Night's Watch, explain what's what, even if he can't pass through.

I'm not exactly sure if I can count killing Wun Wun, Hodor, Rickon, Osha, Summer and Shaggy Dog, Dany spending another few episodes with the Dothraki (yes, I know the climax was pretty cool, but getting there was tedious IMO), Ramsay's murder and torture fun house or most of Arya's plot this season as fan service.

I went "NO, dude, don't jinx this shit, we just got mostly rid of Dorne, FFS!" when I read the Dorne complaints.

Was there ever a peace treaty after the Red Wedding between the Starks and the Freys? I've never seen anything to indicate such, so I'd reckon they're technically still at war, in which case Arya is basically just assassinating her military enemies.

Yeah, this definitely was "Green <something>", not red.

Alternatively, maybe she knows how to make new faces?

Sure she's evil, but contrary to Ramsay, her evilness is really fucking entertaining (or at least it was here). I enjoyed the crap out of her doing her thing in this episode. Also contrary to Ramsay, there were points in her character arc when there were some shades of gray, in my opinion. Though those are now burned

Indiana Jones as well!

Bran could always warg back in time and follow the infant through time until he has enough information to deduce its identity, or not?

"Can I get a do-over?"

Dramatically, I'm feeling like the wall should come down by next season's end. That way, we'd get one more season of squabbling humans, and then one season of the big fight against the dead. But if what the internet says is true about Bran bringing the Night King's mark through the wall being the thing which breaks

I really loved the music, to be honest. Then again, I am a sucker for that kind of thing.

I did kinda want Cersei to kill pretty much all her opponents, to be honest. While I adore Natalie Dormer (duh!), I'm looking forward way more to Darth Queen Cersei than watching her and Margaery scheme against each other some more. Been there, done that. But admittedly, your mileage may vary.

I never really got the impression that GoT (or the novels) were proclaiming to break conventional storytelling structure. Yes, there are tropes which have been subverted along the way, elements which you probably don't really find in anything else, but the overall story structure seems to have been pretty conventional

Oh, I think I would quite like that twist! Qyburn making sure the power structure of King's Landing is burned to the ground to help Dany take Westeros, I like that concept.

I don't remember if the Crannogmen have the same bastard nomer as the northeners, but I think you're right, she'd have a bastard name, not Reed.

The way she said "He's quiet, too." was utterly chilling.

Funnily enough I was actually rooting for her in this episode. I watched with glee and satisfaction as her scheme was unfolding, with that hauntingly beautiful music accompanying it.

Honestly, at this point I'm feeling like GRRM should have just introduced teleporters and put some special caveat on them which makes them accessible to some people and inaccessible to others based on arbitrary circumstances so that he can move people wherever he wants or keep them traveling if he so chooses. Ultimate