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The amount of glee I felt as I watched Cersei's scheme unfold was both exhilarating and terrifying.

I very much hope they don't splice in footage of all those 300 speeches Sullivan Stapleton gave in that movie.

If I'm ever given the chance to go back in time, the library of Alexandria is probably where I would go. Certainly one of the stops, if I get several. I would need to brush up on my ancient languages a bit though.

I doubt many people know of Sansa's role in defeating the Boltons. From an outsider's POV, the army of the Vale showed up and won the battle, under Littlefinger's helm.

So instead of making the joke, you just went for meta.

Melisandre's big fight is against the White Walkers, so is Jon's. So while he has sent her away, in the grand scheme of things, they're still on the same side. She probably also still believes Jon is the Prince That Was Promised.

Going by the look on Jamie's face when Cersei was being crowned queen, I'm more inclined to think that they're on their final break-up path now.

I didn't really get the impression that Gregor's penis was involved, given how he was standing in relation to the table to which Unella was strapped. Though there are other ways to be rapey and torturey, of course.

The look Jamie had on his face as Cersei was crowned queen didn't seem very enthusiastic to me. I'm getting the feeling that Cersei's actions in this episode might be what splits him up from her for good.

There isn't really anything which dictates that several weeks or months haven't passed between Varys appearing in Dorne and then being on that ship, as far as I could tell.

The dead don't really care if they're being cooked afterwards. It's just meat, sinews and bones at that point.

It truly was utterly phenomenal. The music, the camerawork, the acting… *shudders*.

The music on this show is sublime. Ramin Djawadi's work was a big part of why I connected so well with Person of Interest, and I'm so glad he has other gigs where I can listen to his mastery of sound waves.

The less Ghost shows up, the lower his chances of getting pointlessly killed. Only one direwolf has suffered that fate so far, quite a few more were on screen near a Stark when they met their demise.

I'm not so sure of that. From the outside it looks more like Littlefinger saved the day. Sure, Sansa machinated to have him there, but as an outsider you don't see her writing that letter (or several) to Littlefinger, so you don't really know what her part in it was.

Great warrior. Not-so-great king.

Personally, I would probably tell my wife at some point. But I can see why Ned wouldn't. Catelyn was fierce, and not always wise. She might well have been a threat to Jon herself, intentionally or not. In the end, the fewer people know, the safer Jon is. Ned had to weigh Jon's life against Catelyn's emotional

Ramin Djawadi, you talented fucker! The theme for Cersei's plot was a thing of true goddamn beauty, holy shit. Person of Interest may have ended, but at least we still have Ramin's music on other shows.

Going by the look on his face when she was crowned, my gut is telling me that this might be what splits them up for good, especially because she sort-of caused Tommen's death. But I suppose we shall see.

Uhm, 2,000-year-old spoilers, I guess.