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That's why I mostly steer clear of those. Not to be contrarian or "the cool kid", I just don't feel like dealing with all that nonsense.

Upvote for Life. Love that show.

How anyone could label PoI as cynical is quite beyond me. It's a show about friendship, love, redemption, the value of life, FFS!

I'm not one to get teary-eyed over entertainment, but that song definitely gives me goosebumps when connected with the scene(s) in which it's used.

Well, at least this time around the xenophobes in Europe are not (yet?) mongering for all-out war between Europe's nations, so I reckon that's a bit of progress? It seems to be more about "preserving our culture and way of live" rather than "destroying theirs", I think (at least in Europe).

I can see that line of thinking, but I'm not sure it's true. Seeing your commander watch his own brother die and not needlessly risk the lives of you and your fellow fighters might actually inspire a lot of loyalty from his men. I know it would from me.

Good question. I would be curious about this as well.

Yeah, I definitely got a strong hint of a higher power holding a few protecting hands over Jon in that scene.

I don't necessarily think being a cold and disciplined tactician evokes little loyalty. Knowing my commander will not get me killed due to an emotional outburst would invoke quite a bit of loyalty from me, that I can say for sure. But yes, nobody is flawless, even commanders, fair point.

Yeah, I didn't really need them to get romantic, but their chemistry really worked for me, and Iris finally getting John to open up a bit without making him a sobbing mess was nice. It felt like both John and the show were able to sit back and breathe a bit in their scenes together, truly exhale and inhale, and

I know that a lot of plot threads were still dangling at the end of Life, but I was reasonably satisfied with how they tied up the main bad guy and the main conspiracy plot.

I had noticed it here and there, but I had not yet seen that video. Thank you!

Nice, thanks for that!

If he hadn't dishonored her in the first place, he wouldn't have had to marry her to protect her honor though.

I have seen a few people mock The Count of Monte Cristo in the PoI threads over the years, but honestly, I love that movie. Not because I think it's objectively the best thing ever, but somehow it just clicks with me on an emotional level.

Damn, that's actually pretty awesome. Thanks for that detail!

Yup, I mentioned this somewhere around here as well. The score for this show, ever since the pilot, has been a huge part of why I've connected so well with PoI.

I love that episode. Aside from the ending, the scene between Reese and Meagan in the diner is also one of my favorites.

I remember rewatching that scene at least a dozen times right then and there when I had first seen the episode. Oh, Elias, I got way too attached to you.

While I don't fully understand the machinations which got Fusco his job back (maybe Thornhill industries worked some magic?), those four cops were going to extra-judicially execute Reese and Fusco, so probably shouldn't have been there to begin with, so I'm not sure how much of a fuss would have been raised over that.