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He, I was just starting to write out something eerily similar when your comment popped up.

I think I said this after the season 4 finale: Finales really don't tend to go very well for Team Machine. In fact, each successive finale seems to turn out worse for them than the previous.

One last shoutout to the Shaw/Fusco pairing. Those two are phenomenally entertaining to watch together. Bonus points if Bear's around.

Such fucking, very show, much this, wow.

And, She has an instance on a satellite - surely She beamed Her self out to the stars?

Not a series finale, this series finale! Heresy!

The review was written by LaToya, not Alexa. ;-)

Yup, I am so happy that we got a truly good finale and not something which will sour my enjoyment of the show upon rewatch. Which I will inevitably do. Many times.

Re:tape message: That's how I interpreted it.

and then one of them would leave the show over a contract dispute so they'd have to drop the entire plot

*goes and rewatches that scene*

I loved Life and very dearly miss it, but yes, same as you, I'm very glad they had the opportunity to give it a mostly proper ending with some closure.

I'm sorry, I swooped in and swooned while you were busy over on Game of Thrones protecting John Snow from all those arrows flying in his direction.

people in general are just not that smart and their attention is really easy to capture with shiny lights

Indeed, these comment sections have increase my enjoyment of this show tremendously over the years. Cheers!

Shoutout to Ramin Djawadi's superb score for this series. I'm a very musical person (with a particular weakness for scores), and the show wouldn't have had half the emotional impact it had on me without his hauntingly beautiful and occasionally terrifying score.

I liked the flashback's to what I presume was John's father (having died saving people) and going back to basically giving us the origin of his hero complex.

LaToya, if you wouldn't terribly mind, there are a few episodes in season 1 which haven't been reviewed by the AVC yet. You seem to be pretty good at this thing, and it'd be suuuper nice if we got the full set. ;-)

WTF?! How the hell can anyone be against adding Sarah Shahi to a show? And I suppose the same goes for Acker (I've always had a bigger crush on Shahi than on Acker).

I have marveled at the wonder that is Shahi ever since I first found her on Life back in 2007.