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Appreciate the thorough review and all the screenshots, LaToya. It's nice to see effort put into the review for such a superb series finale.

Relevance is, in my book, pretty much a master class of how to introduce a new main character in a running TV series. And the nice thing was, they didn't just then insert Shaw neatly into the team by episode's end. No, they laid the groundwork (and extremely well) and then merged her into Team Machine over the course

"Your heart rate monitor looks a lot like a Fitbit." - ever the observant operative.

On a story-telling level, I don't really have an issue with Jon's decision. If he were my battlefield commander though, I would probably give him some shit for getting tons of his men killed out of brotherly love. Those men might have had brothers as well, families which will now never see them again. Jon's brotherly

Of course, if Jon had had the foresight to warn Rickon every time Ramsay loosed an arrow, so he could change direction accordingly, Rickon probably would have made it.

It's understandable on an emotional level, but it's still pretty stupid. And Jon did have another choice: Sit back and let his brother be killed. Cold-blooded as fuck? Absolutely. Likely to get way fewer of his men killed? Probably too, though.

Whether or not Robb did the honourable thing is debatable I'd say. He had made a deal with the Freys for marriage. He broke that deal. Sure, we with our modern-day sensibilities think it's romantic, and hey, his wife was a stunner, but despite Walder Frey being the shitbag that he is, I'm not sure I'd say breaking


Phew, dodged a bullet there, then. I think. I hope?

I'm not sure if he'll outright kill her, but I certainly think he'll do something. Question is whether or not she'll kill him in retaliation. I hope not.

Dude, don't even joke about that!

I don't follow the behind the scenes stuff too closely, but from a few snippets I've seen here and there, doing 10 episodes per year is extremely exhausting, so that might indeed be a factor.

Well, Pycelle is in better shape, physically, than Bran is.

That I can fully get behind.

Yeah, when they were encircled I kept thinking "Okay, this is Wun Wun's moment to shine!"

It's a classic, for sure.

But what am I supposed to do? I'm a Linux (and somewhat BSD) guy and on the "gif" side. You are giving me an identity crisis! I

The anger surrounding this issue is bizarre, though.

To me, the most important reason is simply that "jif" sounds stupid. I wouldn't care about any argument for "jif" even if they had absolute and irrefutable proof that "jif" was the right way to pronounce it. It sounds silly (IMHO), hence I shall choose "gif".

Honestly, I don't care about any semantic or linguistic argument. Simple fact of the matter is that "jif" sounds bloody stupid. "gif" just sounds much less silly to my ears.