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To be fair, he said at the beginning of the season that he's not much of a fighter, so I thought it made sense for him to keep back a bit. I don't really need him to be a badass fighter, I just need him to convince people to do something they don't initially want to do. Davos got massive game in that area, and I quite

I figured they were some random Stark loyalists Ramsay had picked up. Or just random peasants, because Ramsay probably wouldn't even care, he just wants a bunch of folks burning flayed on crosses.

I kept hoping Jon would have something clever in his sleeve, although I didn't think trenches because I didn't think Jon's army could have dug a bunch of trenches in front of Winterfell without Ramsay noticing. But ah well…

I'm glad Ghost was kept away. The most dangerous place a Stark direwolf can be is near a Stark, it seems.

I was already dreading the pre-battle speeches. I was glad they didn't go for that.

Wun Wun, primarily because it seems to me his death could have been prevented by using some more brainpower (wearing some armor, for starters, using maybe a tree trunk as a weapon). Although I will admit Hodor's overall story arc does carry a more tragic punch. But somehow I've never been able to connect as well with

Well, I've kinda had this argument in my head for a while and given it a few times in various places, so it's pretty quickly typed out by now. I also don't exclusively apply it to GoT.

Please send my gratitude to your finger for giving me something to smile about today. :-)

Goddammit! So many more stories to tell, but alas…

The main thing for which I still really want an explanation is the Sansa/Jon relationship, and why she's been withholding (important) information from him all season.

If I remember some of the skulls Arya found in the bowels of the Red Keep in season 1, I think some of those were a bit bigger than the size of the bigger dragon now seems to be. Hard to say with certainty though.

According to the wiki, there are allegedly a few hundred giants left. However, I'm not sure what the show's stance is on this one. Maybe the rest of them are all ice zombies by now. Or it could also be that in the show there were much fewer of them to begin with.

Maybe she just didn't crucify enough of them? One of the bigger problems with the "eye-for-an-eye" approach is that if you leave some of your targets alive they can come back and take your other eye (as they have here).

Jon's reaction to Rickon's death, albeit stupid and predictable, made perfect sense to me. Sansa lying about being in contact with Littlefinger earlier in the season and now not telling Jon about (possible) reinforcements seems (at this point) really weird though. I will reserve final judgement until they've had an

I'm glad they left him out of the action. Means his chances of living to see another day are much better.

Uhm, I think Christopher laid that out pretty well, or not? ;-)

If this was the Walking Dead, the season would've ended with the two armies colliding.

"Hardhomme" …

We know what's gonna happen, get on with it!

I love such verbal constructions. I keep needing to rewrite my project reports for college because we "need to make simple sentences" blablabla. Oh FFS, if the gods of linguistics wanted us to make simple sentences, would they truly have given us the opportunity not to? But ah well, c'est la vie.