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Jon had more than one very close call during the battle. So I think the Lord of Light protection angle is actually somewhat plausible, even if the show has so far not put a huge emphasis on such mechanisms.

I don't think Melisandre needs to cast a spell on him. The Lord of Light kinda does that by himself, if he so chooses.

A plot device? ;-)

I'm not sure if they could truly understand Tyrion or if they just instinctively figured "This dude might possibly be alright. I shall not insta-burn him and see what he does first." Sort of like dogs judge people and develop a liking or disliking for some based on criteria which might not always be completely

She also became "I'm not going to tell my brother about this very, very important piece of information because… plot?" Sansa.

I think the issue with that development, as much as it makes sense on a tactical level, is how utterly predictable it has been. I mean, the moment Littlefinger met with Sansa and told her she could have his army I knew (well, estimated) that it was going to play out this way.

If Maester OffScreen has claimed another victim after the Blackfish last week, that'd be so very disappointing.

Maybe he actually did get all her men killed.

He also had people who kept him in check, on occasion, somewhat. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd given such orders, if presented with the opportunity (or has there been evidence to the contrary? I honestly don't recall).

"Good doggie, good doggie. No, no, bad doggie, BAD DOGGIE, BAD…"

I agree, if the wildlings continue to be a factor on the show we'll need a character among them with whom we can connect, and so far that's been Tormund. Wun Wun is cool and all, but the giant hasn't really said much, so I'm not sure how well that would work.

Yeah, when Mance brought his people to the wall, I was hoping they'd eventually end up being a big part of such a unified army, but it seems that most of them are now (un)dead and the rest are going to be used as cannon fodder against the Boltons, unfortunately.

I think if the wildlings had more survivors it would make sense to build them up as one of the main constituents of the army which will eventually face down the ice zombies. But with only a few thousand left of the 100,000 or so which Mance was rumored to be bearing down on the wall, it looks to me like they'll be

My apologies, I only have one upvote.

I'd say he was willing to die, but planning to survive (as per dygitalninja's answer).

Don't fucking jinx him!

You know, that would actually be kind of interesting. I doubt it'll happen, but if it did, or something similar, color me curious.

I think the wall is pretty far away from Winterfell, I doubt you can see it from there (I presume they're actually fighting at Winterfell).

I don't really see why it'd have to be either Tormund or Wun Wun, I think they could easily both get killed. Tormund seems to be the kinda guy who'd go out in a glorious last stand.

If they kill another direwolf (especially in a pointless manner), I'm going to start a blog about the systemic violence against direwolves on this show and what it says about us as a society that we seem to be enjoying it so much. Half the internet seems to be doing think pieces about the nudity and violence against