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If they kill another goddamn Direwolf with no payoff I'm going to be the one writing the think pieces, FFS!

If the Wildlings get crushed and ground up in this battle, they might no longer really be relevant for the show's greater arc and Tormund wouldn't really be needed anymore. Which would be a bit weird after all the screen time their story has taken up so far, but stranger things have happened.

I honestly don't know. I do know that some chem companies have prohibited the use of their products in executions and apparently some states have difficulty acquiring lethal drugs, but honestly, it seems really weird to me as well. I mean, there are a fuckton of lethal drugs out there (well, most of them, if you take

I think the method I read about did not intend to actually blow the victim out of the cannon. I think it was mostly a cannon-like barrel because that's the only think which would have been strong enough to withstand the explosion. But it was more about vaporizing the victim, not so much about turning them into one or

Don't they have to kind of specially prepare those faces or something before they can use them? They always seemed to be very diligent when working on the bodies of people on their slicing table.

I have read about the US considering "death by cannon" at some point. Put the victim in a special cannon barrel, close it up, boom. The idea was apparently that the nervous system would get more or less instantly vaporized, therefore ensuring as little pain as possible (or at least as short as possible). This was due

So… assuming Ice-9 doesn't work as planned, I wonder what the hiccup is going to be on that front. A dying Samaritan going full nuclear (proverbial and/or literally)?

Waitwut?! That's… I mean… okay, you might actually be on to something there.

Ser Pounce will burn King's Landing to the ground.

Very awesome. It would be very awesome. Especially if it were to happen as the city is burned to the ground as a backdrop. So obviously it won't happen.

They're working on it. The next two episodes will be of Arya planning her trip to somewhere else, then we'll get an episode next season of her boarding the ship, then three episodes of travel, and then she'll end up in Dorne until the penultimate episode of the series where she will do something to someone. Or nothing

Weirdly enough, between her and the faith militant, I'm still rooting for her. But yeah, she definitely deserves some serious punishment.

Yup, that's the one I meant. Thanks!

Dammit, curse you, Twitter! Sorry about that, I came across the Wounded Knee massacre last week on a Wikipedia binge, so it was on my mind due to that. I'm not really a Twitter keyboard warrior. They ruin fucking everything. Well, a lot of things, at least.

I think that knockout gas had some pretty severe side effects and maybe resulted in casualties itself. I'm not 100% sure anymore, but I don't think it's going to be an easy fix.

Empathy is definitely very selective in human beings. I'm not really sure if that's good or bad, but I doubt it'll ever change. I mean, I'm not saying empathy with strangers is bad, but I think feeling every death of every stranger as strongly as the death of a person close to you would probably drive most people

No worries, we're pretty adept here as well. Took my country 50-ish years to remember that "Oh, uhm, yeah, about that Nazi gold… now that you all figured out we have that … maybe, we possibly, kinda, perhaps do. We're going to say sorry, but only because you're making us do it. And part of it we're going to give back,

It's pretty big news here in central-ish Europe, at least. But I doubt we're reeling from the tragedy. We mostly take note, get kinda bummed and file it under "another mass-shooting in the US".

The shooting, which is reportedly the deadliest on record in this country

Naturally. Offscreen is the realm where Ser Budget rules. An endless expanse of barren wasteland, filled with the dust of hopes, the ashes of dreams and the decaying corpses of the possibilities of our imaginations.