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I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on that vibe. Thought I was in the wrong show universe for a moment.

He truly was. From despising him for the plot against Caesar to pitying him for getting killed in battle on his birthday… damn, what a journey.

The mightiest lord there is. He's killed several Direwolves and has mostly banished dragons to the cast of extras.

I'm kinda hoping for that at this point if I'm being honest. Would not have thunk I'd ever be rooting for Cersei.

That's what I'm kinda hoping for.

Damn, Brienne of Tarth hands a letter to a man like few fuckers. If she were a postwoman, nobody would ever refuse mail again.

Same here. Would not have thunk it. But alas, few things I despise as much as religious zealots. Go Cersei, kill them all!

Hey, occasionally we give some tiny part of that money back to the people who had it stolen from them! After a very long time and lots of red tape.

As somebody who voted nay on that one, honestly, I get the idealism behind it, but the folks who put that initiative up for voting didn't really seem to have a plan to bankroll the whole thing.

Yup, that was a nice arc, agreed. I just wish that maybe he'd have learned about the Machine a slight bit sooner, but the way it was done I actually quite liked. Especially the way he finally stood up to Reese and Finch and told them that they either tell him what the heck is going on or he will no longer play with

Yeah, that has been my thinking as well. I suppose if she really did have a chip she removed it pretty soon after escaping?

I'm going to sit this one out. Last time I did interpretive dance I accidentally summoned Donald Trump's hair. I mean, maybe it wasn't causation, merely correlation, but best not take that chance methinks.

Yeah, I noticed that too. I think they've also mentioned her once or twice on the show's run in passing, so at least her continued existence is acknowledged, which is nice. Not as nice as her showing up again, but ah well, c'est la vie.

They could, theoretically, still cast a black lead, or not? I mean, I don't think it'll happen, and I don't know the source material and if the show would still work, but stranger things have happened. Or not.

Three times. FFS.

Well, I figure he probably would have just beaten her to death if he hadn't had guns. Hell, if I ever kill anyone in a blind rage, I don't think I'd use one of my guns. By the time I would have gotten and loaded the gun I'd probably have calmed down too much to go through with it. I'm I'm truly ever in a blind rage,

If I think about somebody doing that in real life, I still think it's pretty disturbing.

Well, Cameron was not entirely wrong.

Yup, I think Fusco's arc over the course of the show has been pretty amazing. I've just started rewatching the show, and the contrast between the slimy dirty cop we got in the beginning and the Lionel we have now is pretty stark. Same for the way Reese interacts with him at the start and now.

I believe they did indeed, yes. T'was rather glorious, if I remember right. Also, apologies for my ambiguous punctuation for the purpose of emphasis.