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Yeah, one more episode of Root and Shaw before Root's death would have been nice, indeed. Or two more episodes. Or three. Or…

I have to admit, the reduced episode order I kind of understand, even if it bums me out, but the horrifying schedule seems downright disrespectful to me.

Cura Te Ipsum is one of my favourite episodes of the show I must admit. Really adore that one.

A deity with PTSD, now that's a thought I've not yet come across. God sees the world go to shit, commits genocide with the whole flood thing, things don't improve, he goes "Fuck it!" and becomes a recluse, leaving us to our devices of cruelty.

Yeah, he strikes that balance very well, in my opinion. Harper veered a bit too much on the side of being too cocky in her appearances last season (at least for my tastes), but this time around I think she was okay. You could still tell that it was the same character, but that side of her seemed to have been toned

I just rewatched Cura te Ipsum this week. Having Dr. Tillman show up again would have been very nice, I'm rather fond of that episode and her character.

Yeah, the completionist part of me has been wishing for that for a while. It just feels wrong to me not to have those episode reviews. At least we have a review of Cura Te Ipsum. Love that episode.

Yup, indeed. Reminds me of the monologue Finch gave when he put that Virtannen guy in his place back in season 1. Awesome scene.

Makes me think… if we accept that the Machine can feel… what's the baseline for her emotions? I mean, it could be that for the Machine, emotions are actually much stronger than for us, so the PTSD she could suffer might potentially be much more horrifying than it could ever be for us.

Yeah, I remember her rubbing that spot, but I wasn't sure if it was just because she felt like something had been there, or because something had actually been there (or still is). Thanks!

The second team having such a well-planned exit strategy and working very well together made me think they'd already had quite a bit of practice at working together.

Nono, I did not, no worries. Your empathy is still appreciated, however.

Curse you for reminding me of Sarah Connor Chronicles and how we never got to have a proper ending for that one. Then again, I suppose if you're going to end on a cliffhanger, end on a big one.

Yeah, I think the combo of actors/characters for the second team they picked had good chemistry, even if we only got to see them together for a very short time.

Control on a new team machine… holy hell, that would be awesome.

Does Shaw actually still have a chip, or did she ever truly have one? Or was that just part of the simulations?

Hence the "setting aside casting limitations" disclaimer, I reckon.

That is definitely a fair point, Billions was just the show which popped into my mind first.

Yup, I wasn't a fan of Harper's in the last season, but she seemed alright here. Then again, she has Logan by her side, and I definitely liked him in his episode.

He's over on Billions using lots and lots and lots of profanity, to make sure we understand how hardcore financial traders truly are.