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When is she not stellar… *sighs longingly*

Yeah, I think that's probably the right way to view this (insofar as there is a right way to view this). I suppose I was just more hungry for Samaritan episodes rather than more numbers, but it has indeed always been a part of the show. A part which I've actually mostly enjoyed.

It truly has been a pretty damn good ride over the years. Not everything they did was perfect, and in the end these matters are still a tad subjective by their nature, but overall, thumbs up from me.

Very happy that Fusco is finally in the know about the Machine. Makes me think I would have liked him to find out a few episodes sooner to be honest.

Indeed. The show is very good with placing long-term easter eggs for those among us who pay attention and are able to remember them.

I think they were pretty sure they weren't getting a back 9 order. I think this episode served mostly as a send-off for the numbers episode part of the show before heading into what I presume will be two proper finale episodes. From that POV, I think the placement of this episode makes sense. Can't do it too soon,

Funnily enough, I've just started rewatching the show, so Joey was a rather recent memory for me.

Woah, a Person of Interest review, woohoo!

Wait, you don't all do that?

I think they're saving that one for the series finale.

Funnily enough, according to a quote from Rory MacCann from IMdB, he was a lumberjack for a few years. Then again, they probably don't do much axe swinging these days.

Yeah, I think if you're not an idiot like me who doesn't care about spoilers anymore, you'd think McShane might stick around for another few episodes, that's totally fair enough.

Obviously they'll write about Margaery's agency and how great it is!

But how many people thought McShane was going to stick around? I seem to recall reading in quite a few places that he was only going to stick around for a single episode. Most people who keep somewhat up to date on the gossip surrounding the show probably knew that, or not?

I'm not so sure that they didn't know she hadn't shed her identity. Could be that Jaquen knew and was playing along to see where things go or because he has a weakness for Arya or because he was still hoping she would actually truly become no-one, or for some other reason of which I'm currently not thinking. Hard to

I wouldn't necessarily say they always start with pure motives, but they definitely always finish without them. ;-)

Sir Malcom fucking Murray is on fucking point! Boom!

Does someone start hitting women at 50

I wash my beard once daily, I don't think that smell is emanating from my facial hair.

Just so everyone knows: I will not be shaving off my beard, and I don't care what you think!