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I don't. I will however also not grant them any special plot armor just because they're gay (I should probably state that plot armor is one of my least favorite tropes in general, no matter the character).

I have watched Finch's monologue about a dozen times now, or more. I'm not exaggerating.

Just because one is gay does not mean one cannot be stupid or at least hold illogical viewpoints. Indeed, statistics would demand that there exist intellectually challenged LGBT people just as there exist stupid straight folks.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Now THAT is how you deliver a fucking monologue! Jesus fucking Christ almighty! And the score underlying that scene, then seguing into the chaos and mayhem scene with The Day the World Went Away… Damn.

I got the impression that the atrocities which Ethan mentioned last night didn't have anything to do with his wolf form, they were just him massacring people as a member of the army.

Is she actually willing at this point? I mean, I know it seems like she's along for the ride because she wants to be, but it might be that the retribution which will be visited upon her if she stops doing Lucifer's bidding might be severe enough to dissuade her from disobeying his orders.

I think Jaime told it to King Robert and Barristan Selmy, and then once more to Brienne? Not 100% sure anymore though. But we've definitely heard it at least once.

End of s5e05, when Reese takes Bruce to see Elias. I think.

The animated special features on the Blu Ray editions actually provide some half-decent background as well, if one were to feel so inclined as a viewer.

Yeah, it's not that I don't know that there are legitimate reasons for these sorts of episodes (besides Eva Green herself, of course). And I do think that these episodes are absolutely phenomenal in what they set out to do (or at least what I think they set out to do). Nonetheless, I'm invested enough in the rest of

Yeah… honestly, yes, Eva Green is impressive as fuck in these types of episodes (or just in general), but I really don't need an hour of this or something similar each season where the rest of the plot just grinds to a complete halt. Which is actually a compliment to the rest of the plot because I'm interested in

Welp, what a waste of a perfectly good direwolf. Ah well.

They definitely robbed us of a fight between Hood and Proctor

He actually still had that bandage at the end of season 3.

Yup, Meet the New Boss… that's when I fucking knew this show had been made for me.

Damn… I'm going to miss this show. But then again, when I first happened upon it three years ago I would never have thought we'd even get a second season, so I've already gotten more than I'd have expected.

Wasn't that a round-ish building?

Could also be the Vale. They kept themselves out of all the warring which has been going on, so their army is still fresh, whereas the Lannisters probably took quite a few losses during the War of the Five Kings.

I recently skimmed through the past seasons, and in Rabbit's final scene, when he's sitting on that bench and about to blow his brains out, he says something about "a bench like this waiting for you too in the future" to Hood.

I didn't expect him to do the same, but I definitely had that association as well.