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Job's takedown of Leo is probably one of the most awesome revenge plots I've ever seen, even if it's extremely short in screen time.

Phew, so glad that the serial killer plot is finally over, even if it turned out to be mostly a dud. For fuck's sake, Veronica even got loose, they could have had her kill Declan right then and there and be done with that (yeah, yeah, I know he's a lot bigger than her and she might still have been a bit groggy from


Hey, I'm in the title pic! Woohoo!

Something about the review definitely feels off to me as well. No idea if the author is actually a book reader, but somehow, something seems off to me.

Hm, that's an interesting theory. I had kinda presumed that Ethan had killed them in his wolf form, but if he was just good ol' regular human mass-murderer, that might actually make things more interesting.

In the long run, I agree, but I don't really have a problem with him being like this temporarily. I don't want him to go all grimdark on our asses. I think Tony's funny side was probably quite a big part of what made the original Iron Man so popular, but I'm okay with him going on a tangent of seriousness for a while.

According to Wikipedia about 18, but I'm sure there's a margin of error in that.

I actually thought that moment worked pretty well, not as an "in the moment rage I MUST KILL YOU NOW!!!" kinda thing, but as the culmination of the emotional damage Tony Stark has been accumulating since his first movie.

To me, the movie was primarily about emotional stakes and consequences, not a full-scale conflict of armies going into battle against each other. I mean, what exactly would you have a war expected to look like? Hundreds our thousands of super-powered beings going up against each other? Granted, matter of personal

It's kinda funny. Both Winter Soldier and Civil War clicked very well with me, and both times it was not due to action set pieces, but because of the characters and the emotional beats they hit throughout the movie (Natasha and Cap in WS, quite a few more this time around).

I think because it's been said over and over and over again on the internet and elsewhere. I think it might actually have detracted from the emotional gravity of the situation, maybe. Personally I actually rather liked how they went about it, and Holland hit the emotional point quite well IMHO.

Personally, I thought the best (if one can call it that, maybe I should call it "the one which resonated most with me") emotional beat was how Downey Jr. played Tony's reaction when he found out about Bucky killing his parents and Cap having known about it, but I did also very much enjoy Zemo's scene with T'Challa.

I was so very happy that instead of some huge, colossal fight with anonymous goons we got what we got instead. I have seen enough anonymous antagonists get beaten into a pulp, and watched enough cities being leveled.

The big airport kerfuffle seems to get most of the attention when it comes to the action scenes, but honestly, I was much more invested in the final fight. Primarily because it was a much more intimate and personal affair.

I don't think Tony's argument to go after Bucky in the final fight was "You're dangerous!", I think it was primarily "You killed my parents!". I mean, yes, he thought Bucky was dangerous, but that wasn't what triggered that fight. Given how he'd been triggered at the base and escaped, causing quite a lot of damage in

I will reserve final judgement until we see how the serial thing plays out, but from the moment Dushku's character mentions something about "We'll get what we need tomorrow." I suspected Hood would go off to do something else and she'd investigate alone and get into trouble. I hoped it would play out differently, but

"Two parents who would kill or die for you. And one who did."

Summed up my thoughts very well. I thought it made quite a bit of sense for Calvin to go there, given what we'd seen of him previously. And very good point about the male/female nudity. Given that the actress has shown plenty of skin in her consensual sex scenes with Kurt, not having female nudity in that scene looks

He’s presenting his superiority with a cocky smugness that makes you hope Dawson will escape and put him down in next week’s cold open