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Up until the last episode I would have fully agreed with that, but the scene between Cersei and Tommen gave me the faint idea that the show is about to make him more competent, only to then kill him off. But that was actually the first time I cared about him at all, up until then he'd just been… kinda there, I suppose.

As long as Ser Strong leaves Ser Pounce alone, I shall not object too strongly.

I would answer that with a Nay, personally.

Except on Banshee.

I never really got around to hating Dominic or his plotline, and actually kinda liked the character, I'm just a bit bummed that it didn't amount to much in the end. But ah well, such is life.

Yeah, I thought I remembered that the languages are related, just wasn't quite sure if the words were, too, or if it they simply sounded similar by accident. Sort of like the whole forlorn hope situation. Thanks!

They were definitely very quick with the wiring. Hell, even getting enough cables in a reaosnable amount of time seems like quite a trick!

Yeah, I know, but it still seemed a bit weird that they were referring to them as suitable for a supercomputer in this day and age. I mean, as powerful as it was back in the day, it really is pretty damn old at this poitn.

Yeah, a while back the PS3 got a lockdown firmware upgrade too if I remember right. Been a while since I've looked into it though.

That's… a lot of effort for something so… whatever it is.

This headline made me click on the article. Having "Carly Fleischmann" instead of "nonverbal autistic woman" would most likely not have, since I had no idea who Carly Fleischmann is. I would likely have presumed her to be merely another celeb gossip person and have moved on without clicking.

That's assuming that the Freys find out Ramsay is to blame for Walda's death though. Officially, Roose was poisoned by his enemies, to possibly the party line for Walda is going to be something similar. Though I'm not 100% sure how that'd work since there were people around who must've seen and heard what happened? Ah

I really have no issue with violence in my entertainment, but that scene seemed to drag on way too long for me, I got kinda bored. It's not like we needed any further proof of Ramsay's depravity. Screen time is a finite resource, there would have been more interesting things to spend it on, IMHO.

1) A death being labelled "awesome" does not imply it was deserved. Awesome, at least to me, and in this context, means it was entertaining in some fashion, possibly spectacular. But characters can die in awesome ways even though they don't deserve to die at all.

Funny thing about facacta/fakakta (I've found multiple contradicting spellings, sorry): It almost sounds like "verkackte", German for "shitty" (well, more like "covered in shit"), so that's usually where my mind wanders (native German speaker). I wonder if the Yiddish and German version are etymologically related or

He, that reminds me of the first Deus Ex game (the truly first one, back from 2000 or 2001 or so). Absolutely love that game, it just clicked with me on about every conceivable level. Has a similar plotline with merging AIs and AIs merging with people.

Had to chuckle a bit when Reese cooled the Playstations with LN2. Condensation would be a bitch with that. And of course, it's not like the PS3 is actually modern tech these days anymore. But still, it was kinda cool to see them touch on the idea of a PS3 cluster, because that's actually been done.

Yes, I get the impression that Greer is very devoted to Samaritan, so unless it does something to make him lose his faith, I'm not sure he'll oppose it.

Yeah, I think that was basically "manual tracking mode" no longer working because Samaritan had lost contact with its targets.