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Yeah, I don't think this season is actually bad (although I do think it has some flaws), it's just not what we expected. But now that I've adjusted my expectations I'm actually quite enjoying most of it.

I did quite enjoy Calvin's casual manner in which he killed Watts. Sure, Watts going toe-to-toe with Burton or the other Bunker brother might have been fun, but I think this was quite an okay choice as well.

"You heard that, bow-tie? You and me is going to be buddies!"

I wish I could give you more upvotes for that reference.

Whoever they elect next as their Lord Commander?

Yeah, I had a good laugh on that one. Somebody seems to have been drunk at the odds-making table.

Yeah, I think in one of the trailers we heard Giantsbane talk about Jon (unless it was a misdirect), so I'm pretty sure they're going to figure into this somehow before we get to the resurrection part.

I think I prefer season 1 overall, but at least from a pacing POV, season 2 was noticeably improved (especially compared to the third Netflix MCU show, Jessica Jones, which seemed to have about double the episodes as it had plot to fill them with).

And it's not like he's bought an actual city, right?

I just think the writers didn't make it clear that there is clearly more to what they are planning.

I loved most of the stuff with the Punisher, but yeah, being bored by Ninjas is not something I ever expected to happen to me.

I agree that The Hand makes for a pretty boring antagonist. Don't really see the cause of that lying in Asian stereotypes though. Not that those don't exist, but repetitive fights against faceless goons tend to get boring no matter what ethnicity those goons belong to. They could be Aztek warriors and it'd probably

I've checked and compared the establishing shots from the scene where Jaime arrives with Myrcella's body and the establishing shot right before Trystane's death scene. Unless the show is actively misleading us, I'm 99.9% sure the boat is still in King's landing and Trystane is still on it when he's killed.

Oh my god, I can't stop watching!

I'm sure if nobody dies we'll get some nudity and torture and rape at least, or not?

I think the note was sent ahead by raven and the boat is still in King's Landing. The establishing shot of the boat right before Trystane is killed shows it still being in King's Landing. A raven would get to Dorne pretty quickly I think, especially if it was sent on its way while the boat wasn't even in King's

I don't think he was back at Dorne yet. The message says Jaime is sending him back on the same ship, but the establishing shot of the ship right before Trystane is killed shows the ship still being in King's Landing.

But there is an establishing shot of the boat on which Trystane presumably is in King's Landing?

Aside from teleportation magic, them taking the land route and then waiting for the ship to arrive in King's Landing is about the only sane explanation I can come up with.

Especially if he kept Oberyn's accent. When I saw him in an interview without the accent, it was kinda weird.