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I don't think being put in a disadvantageous position necessarily counts as losing character development (re: Dany). I mean, when she was given to Khal Drogo she had definitely much more of a damsel in distress vibe going on, what with the marital rape and all that.

Unless I'm confusing the faces (I honestly have a bit of a difficult time telling the Snakes apart, so that's not completely out of the question), then yes, I think they were on the pier with Ellaria.

Yup, it is indeed, and yeah, a sentence or two to explain what the heck had happened would have been nice. I mean, wasn't Trystane wondering how the heck the Sand Snakes got there? Or why they were trying to kill him? He's just "Oh, okay, well then I'd rather fight you than the other one." No questions, no "WTF?!",

Yeah, that's what I figured. Sansa wasn't shown to have extinguished the candle, so presumably the candle was still burning after Brienne was done with Stannis.

I'm not sure if he'll be releasing them for that purpose, but I'm definitely looking forward to Tyrion's adventures with dragons.

Unless I'm confusing them with other characters, the two Sand Snakes on the boat were actually standing on the pier with Ellaria when the boat departed. So I think they must've hurried to King's Landing and waited for the boat to arrive, then boarded it and killed Trystane.

I don't think they were stowaways or even on the ship when it departed. Unless I'm confusing them with other characters, they're standing on the pier in Dorne when the ship departs.

Fair point, but I still prefer the show ages over the book ages. Just personal preference.

As far as I can tell, Jorah found the ring specifically because it had been left in the part of the scene which hadn't been trampled? It basically had a bullseye on it.

I would, ahem, rather not, if you don't mind.

True, it was/is a Dornish ship. But Trystane has a similar problem: He doesn't know whether the murder was sanctioned or not, and even if he doesn't have anything to fear from his father, he might still not feel exactly safe going back. If the Sand Snakes killed Myrcella, they might also want him dead.

I'm not 100% sure anymore, but I think I remember reading something about GRRM not being too happy with how young the characters are in the books. Originally he was going to have a time jump in the story, which would have aged them up considerably, but somehow he couldn't get that to work to his satisfaction and now

Assuming Jaime didn't want harm to come to Trystane, I reckon they figured it'd be safer if he stayed on the boat for the time being.

I think that's an improvement over the books though. The characters (especially the younger generation, like Jon) seem ridiculously young to me in the books.

Just because she didn't see Sansa light the candle doesn't mean she can't find out about Sansa being on the run afterwards though.

Yeah, I've always gotten a bit of an Essosi vibe from his operation.

I don't think Jaime had sent Trystane back (or at least he wasn't on his way back yet). The ship which is shown right before Trystane is killed seems to be the same one as the one which we were shown when Myrcella and Jaime arrived in King's Landing, so I think Jaime just left Trystane behind on the ship for the time

As far as I can tell, yes. They show the ship arriving in King's Landing, and then before the scene where Trystane is killed, they show the same ship again, so I figure he's still on that ship.

Keeping Cersei from torturing/killing Trystane and giving up Trystane as a bargaining chip are not the same thing though. I'd even say they're quite strongly opposed to each other. A dead hostage is not of much use, after all. And Trystane was still there, right off the coast of King's Landing, as far as I can tell.

If she knew he was there.