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I've read that by the time the show premieres, the season is done and finished, and they're already working on the next one, unlike in network TV where there is actual overlap between a show airing and being produced (which is kind of inevitable with 20-ish episode seasons). Not that I'm the be-all-end-all definite

I didn't really take it as a stinger, more as a portrayal of her crisis of faith, her spirits having been worn down and all that.

I haven't really seen any info to indicate that it still won't be her who brings Jon back.

Not sure Brienne magically found them, I just figured she'd been tracking the tracking party. They made quite a lot of noise and left a lot of tracks after all.

I've read somewhere that it was indeed her in prosthetics, though I've not seen anything official. But the internet says it is so.

It didn't. ;-)

I just figured she'd figured out that Sansa was on the run and had tracked the tracking party. It's not like those guys were hard to follow.

I'm not really sure why, but for some reason I'm not really feeling an urge for Littlefinger getting his comeuppance. I mean, he's done some pretty horrible shit, so I have no idea why I feel this way, but somehow I kinda want him to stick around and keep doing his thing. At least for now.

Save for the Dornish one, I think? But they don't strike me as particularly Lannister-supportive at this point.

I suppose as long as the plot requires?

Preferably all of the Sand Snakes.

I figure the show runners didn't want to portray a bunch of dogs being slaughtered on screen by Brienne.

I'm not sure if it was memory loss, but yeah, part of him stayed "over there" after each death and resurrection, I think.

He's had his fingers reach out over to Essos before though if I remember right (for example, he managed to get the priest who had castrated him shipped over in a crate), so I get the impression that his network actually is both in Essos and Westeros and has been for a while. Though possibly he's done some extra

I'm pretty sure they're going to be stretching that out for a bit.

That's… kind of adorable.

And wouldn't he want to keep Trystane and do some torturing himself?

And yet, the Sand Snakes are still alive. :(

Why the fuck did Jaime not instantly turn around the moment his daughter fucking died of poisoning on the ship?

Why wouldn't he just sit there?