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To be fair, the story's not done yet (neither show nor books).

would anyone be surprised if this was it for Dorne? At least for a while?

I interpreted the scene as her being very, very old, not witchcraft having prematurely aged her.

there's a difference in killing in battle and a sneaky ambush.

Jaime might have left Trystane on the ship on purpose to avoid him falling victim to Cersei. Myrcella said she loved Trystane, Jaime might have figured it had been mutual and that Trystane had nothing to do with Myrcella's death, so maybe he didn't want to put an innocent person of whom his daughter had been rather

I will not count Dorne as having cut its losses until I've seen the last of the Sand Snakes. Which can't be soon enough for my tastes.

they are the only Great House with untouched armies and relatively unscathed resources.

Myrcella died when the boat was like fifty yards from the dock, if that. And in response to this, instead of stopping to arrest the people who murdered her, Jaime and Trystane sailed on to King’s Landing, a journey of weeks, and then sent a letter to Doran.

Yeah, I've been thinking this for a few years now (ever since finding out about the mutiny from reading too much ASOIAF wiki entries) that Jon's fatal flaw (or one of them, at least) was that he's pretty terrible at communicating.

If I remember right, Jaime knew Myrcella loved Trystane and probably figured it was mutual (he said something about the two of them being lucky in that regard if I'm not mistaken), so I reckon he didn't think Trystane was involved in Myrcella's death and didn't really feel like murdering the boy his daughter had loved

It can clearly be seen after Myrcella's death that the ship was still in port, and I find it unlikely that such a "suspicious" death would not have been immediately followed up by Jaime turning around and demanding answers.

It reminds me of people complaining about how Bruce Wayne got from the prison to Gotham in The Dark Knight Rises after climbing out of the hole.

They didn't kill enough people though. The Sand Snakes are still alive and about.

Yeah, I would have much preferred the SN getting cut out of the plot, even killed off maybe, and Doran sticking around, instead of what we got now.

That doesn't mean they're off the hook for last season, but it does mean they at least know it didn't work.

I am really, really, really looking forward to the Sand Snakes getting their comeuppance. Or rather hoping for it, I suppose.

Maybe the show runners were scared of what the internet would do to them if they showed (or even implicated) more women being tortured? I mean, even they must have their limits.

Yeah, I'd figured the same. The hunting party would have been very easy to track. And that would also explain the timing of her arriving just in time to save Sansa and Theon. Well, not really, as they were about to be taken back to Winterfell, not executed on the spot, but you get what I mean.

And having Brienne magically show up out of nowhere just in time to save Sansa, really?

I don't know… I took it as her being kinda stuck and unsure about what the hell had happened and needing a bit of time to sulk and reflect.