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Well, we've seen Littlefinger travel all over Westeros at ridiculous speed in the past if I remember right, so maybe there are just some super-fast ships and he used those?

So basically it's just an excuse to go on a holiday trip somewhere nice and warm for the crew involved?

Yeah, that's what I thought too. Besides, Theon and Sansa were freezing and exhausted and in fear of their lives, which are factors known to occasionally slightly compromise good decision-making.

Alternatively, we could have had Brienne kill a bunch of dogs. Not sure how popular of a move that would be.

The way he smugly stood there when Thorne admitted to the plot was just the icing on the cake. I am so going to enjoy it when he bites it. Nice work on the actor's part.

So was I, and I can't exactly claim that I wasn't worried about McVeigh, the US embassy bombings in Africa or global warming. Although we had yet to see the permanent state of paranoia and fear into which the world plunged with such enthusiasm after 9/11.

I noticed that it had been there fore a while, but didn't remember when he got it until I rewatched that episode last week. It also made me wonder what the timeline of Banshee was in those first three seasons.

I kept kinda hoping Bronn would get paired up with Tywin and they'd up to hilarious shenanigans after Bronn and Tyrion didn't have much to do with each other anymore. Yes, I know, was never going to happen, but hey, a man can dream.

I think the Crown is in serious debt to the Iron Bank though (at least on the show). So while Tyron might pay his debts, I don't think that extends to the state's debts.

Can confirm uBlock origin to work.

I don't think we ever found out who was behind Kai's and Burton's imprisonment. I just always took it was a "it's not really important who these guys were, the point is that's how Burton and Kai met and why Burton is so loyal to Kai" kind of thing.

So I skipped through seasons 1 to 3 last week, and noticed two things:

I wouldn't really mind the satanic death cult thing, I just don't need it in an 8-episode final season of my Banshee. Still, I'll reserve final judgement until all is said and done. I do like that they got Marshal Marshal for the role of Satanic Trope Collection No. 41235 though.

I've hypothesized that it's Burton, and that he used the other murders as a cover screen to kill Rebecca. But now that we've seen her taunt Kai with one her lovers, I'm no longer so sure Kai didn't just snap at some point and kill her.

Hm, when you put it like that… can we put forth suggestions for names? I have a few folks who would quite likely significantly improve this world by unplannedly departing it.

Haha, I think I made that exact comment in the binge review threads as well! :D

Huh? Wait, what? Seriously?

Or as I like to call it:

Spader was one of the things I can say I most definitely liked about Avengers 2. I don't get the bitching about his performance. Then again, I have rather enjoyed Spader rambling on for as long as I can remember first watching him ramble, so maybe I'm just biased.

Eh, honestly, I think I can see why people like it, but it didn't really gel that well with me. I don't hate it, but after having heard all those fantastic things about it I was a bit underwhelmed when I finally got around to watching it. It seemed alright enough, but somehow it just didn't click that well with me as