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That's actually an excellent point. The ninjas really don't do much besides show up, fight for a bit and then disappear again. There really is no reason that I can see to actually care about them. Gao on the other hand is definitely somebody I'm happy to see whenever she shows up on the screen.

Yup, Fisk going off on Matt was splendid entertainment.

D'onofrio's Fisk, IMO, is the MCU's best realised villain so far

So… Lord of the Rings? ;-)

If you want to have a look, the previews are on Cinemax's Youtube channel. Just FYI. ;-)

I think the last time we saw Burton's back was in season 3 after his fight with Nola when he's stitching up his wounds. Quite a few scars, no tattoos. So unless he somehow got rid of those scars and acquired some tattoos (and a lot of muscle mass, as the guy in the previews looks quite a bit bulkier than Burton to

The Dr. Linda scene is also a bit condescending, and the only thing Lucifer really needs to do at this point is show how he is physically invulnerable. He’s clearly not a fan of her turning all of his issues into hypotheticals and analogies, and this moment felt like it should have been the final straw there.

Story of our lives.

In principle, I agree that having no spoilers on the front page show up. But:

I wouldn't worry too much about it. After all, a grade is about as broad of a summary as you can do, and it's still somebody else's opinion, not the objective be-all-end-all measure of truth.

Holy crap, they did?! Wow!

they didn't cast Caity Lotz to begin with and that was a mistake.

Yeah, I know. It's just that the convergence of her first appearance and Hood's detainment made me think that she might come into town due to him. Might not even necessarily be due to the serial killer thing, maybe she's connected to other ghosts from his past and he popped up on her radar now?

Hehe, Anthony Starr actually says in the Youtube "Zooming in on Ep 3" segment that they (the characters) maybe should have thought of going to Fat Au sooner, but Hood "had other things on [his] mind, like dead chicks and ghosts".

So, just watched the preview for episode 4. I'm not sure we've ever seen Calvin topless, so I don't know how muscular he is.

The jump in quality for Black Sails between seasons 1 and 2 was a very nice surprise for me, and although I personally prefer season 2 over season 3 just a tiny bit, I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.

Yeah, it just doesn't seem like him. Besides, that shadowy figure didn't take their glasses off.

Hm, just tried it out, it would indeed appear to be disabled on this site. Ah well, such is life.

Doesn't it decrease the upvote count if it's larger than zero?

Thanks, I guess? Don't think somebody has every gone through that trouble before for one of my comments.