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It's been way too long since I've seen Avatar to remember all its details, but TFA had way too many plotholes and inconsistencies for me to call it vastly superior. It's a passable movie and I mostly enjoyed it (but am unsure whether I'll pay to see the next one), but Avatar was hardly absolute shite either (though I

I will give this article all the upvotes for the Jeeves & Wooster entry.

Just because all shows must die and we are not shows does not imply we must not die as well though.

I'm fine with 13 episodes if they're actually good. I'd rather have 13 good episodes than 20 mediocre ones (or 13 good and 7 bad ones, or… you get the idea). Not that cutting down to 13 episodes automatically makes them good.

Didn't Mad Men film it all at once and then AMC just sat on those episodes for a year though, instead of airing them even though they easily could have?

At some point, the law of diminishing returns will make costs increase exponentially for every incremental gain in productive output, especially if you want quality to remain consistent.

I didn't get around to watching it when it aired and binged it a few weeks ago, and I could see how some things would be annoying when viewing it week-to-week, but as a binge adventure I actually liked it quite a bit. Even the Dorne plot wasn't really that bad when viewing it all in one go.

Eh, without nudity, they're only half as fun.

The Fall of The House of Lannister, Stark revenge

Hm, I think I may have accidentally replied to the wrong comment, sorry about that.

I didn't enjoy the movie that much, but I really had no issue with Batman killing folks (neither did I have an issue with Superman killing Zod in the last movie, to be honest; keeping him alive just seemed stupid given all the potential damage he might be able to do in the future). I thought it was made very clear

Looking at Affleck's previous efforts in writing and directing, as long as he's not stifled by studio interference, I'm quite optimistic about this.

Apparently it's set after BvS:

Could be that they're worried about more super-powered beings showing up and are just using him as an example. After all, they know for a fact that he wasn't the only one.

Depending on who's president, I wouldn't be opposed to that.

I've read some rumours that he's kinda done with that. Something about not wanting to let down Superman in death, that kinda thing. He was unhinged in BvS, but seems to have re-found his sanity in its aftermath.

You mean Yes, Minister?

I think I would actually watch that show.

I didn't get around to watching S5 when it aired, so my first viewing was in binge-form a few weeks ago, and I was a bit underwhelmed. The internet had promised me something much worse!

I've just always figured that it's not all of them. Dany seemed to be impervious to the hot water in her bath in the premiere, and didn't get burnt by that fire in the s1 finale, but her brother clearly didn't take too well to his golden crown. And yeah, good point about Summerhall.