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I actually liked the expression on his face after the explosion. I interpreted it as something along the lines of "Oh for fuck's sake, you goddamn morons, what the hell was that supposed to be?"

I'm not even fundamentally opposed to the idea of exploring a darker Superman, but you hit the nail right on the head. Every time I hear one of Snyder's quotes on his Superman movies he seems to be digging the hole deeper.

So, Batman having Alfred don the suit and go and beat people up?

I would actually have been genuinely interested in a disillusioned/darker Superman. Even if it's already at the start of his career, I'd have been fine with that, in principle (a person doesn't have to be old to be disillusioned per se, and there is plenty of crap about humanity to be disillusioned about). Hell, they

Yeah, it was the first episode of season 3, I'd forgotten about that. They're both nude in his bed, so I'd say that's clear enough. Thanks!

Ah right, thanks!

Yeah, dieting is… tricky business. I am currently not in great shape (health issues leading to lack of motivation leading to lack of exercise, though I'm finally starting up again now), though not overweight. But I must admit that I have decided that if I ever do need/want to lose weight at some point, I'm probably

Screw that, I want the Batman I want, not the one I need or deserve, and I want Carrie!

Oh, was that ever confirmed? I know it's been heavily implied a few times, but kinda forgot whether it was ever confirmed. Not that it's a surprise, just wondering if I missed/forgot some piece of crucial info.

Hood got away with sleeping with Rebecca because he fought back like hell when Proctor came at him for that. I'm quite sure anyone who couldn't have put up a decent fight would have been dead at the end of that scene in season 1.

I really, really, really don't want Bunker to die.

Yeah, I loved that little detail.

I rewatched parts of season 3 today, and holy hell am I rooting for Bunker!

Yeah, but when Proctor found out about Hood sleeping with Rebecca, he went absolutely nuts. I think the only reason he didn't kill Hood in that instance is that Hood just fought back too much. If Hood had been somebody who couldn't fight back, I'm pretty sure he'd have been dead at the end of that encounter.

If ever I get to have a wish from a genie in a bottle, it'll be for a Justified and Banshee crossover.

Indeed. I feel more connected to these characters after thirty episodes (fewer in most cases actually, since many characters haven't been around for that long, for example Bunker) than I do with character on some network shows which have accumulated three-digit episode counts.

I recently read a book on colonialism as preparation for a presentation. If nothing else, the White Man (TM) is extremely good at this whole bureaucracy thing.

Banshee reviews are a place to admire the awesomeness of Banshee

Yup, he seems to have a few stressful days ahead.

No worries, no offense taken, just thought I'd add my personal anecdote on the matter. Luckily I was more flabbergasted and slightly amused by my own experience rather than horrified or depressed. It did feel a bit absurd; tons of people trying to lose weight and having great difficulties, and there I was, having