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So…we should fat shame Rebel Wilson then?

Because in my country we have mandatory health insurance, and obese people end up increasing my insurance rates.

The fact of the matter is that it is very easy to gain weight yet our bodies resist losing weigh

IMDb did the same. Well, they didn't have it in the headline, but they had the spoiler right in the article preview snippet on the front page.

You mean mini-series who only lasted one season but somehow there are evil rumors around about further, sub-par seasons?

How the fuck anyone can be ashamed of Nicole Beharie is so much beyond me I need to use stellar units of distance measurement.

In that specific case, it could also have been the age difference. I know I felt a bit icky when I watched that movie, and it definitely was for that reason.

IMDb was also really awesome about the spoiler. Had it in their preview text for the article on the front page.

- So, if the guy who got garroted by Proctor turns up as a dead body (instead of being disposed of), not only will Hood's blood have been found in Rebecca's car, but he'll also have been seen driving away with a guy who only a little while later then turned up dead.

Yeah, there is no way that Proctor's plans with the Colombians will go according to plan.

Added bonus that Bunker is helping her. Love that.

I think it's less about not judging their appearance at all, and more about not constantly calling attention to it, maybe?

Similar here. It wasn't exactly hell, but I definitely got mocked on more than one occasion for being skinny in my teens and early 20s. Interestingly only by dudes though, never by girls (at least not to my face). Didn't exactly break my spirits, but it wasn't exactly fun either.

I do indeed know a few women who flat-out say they would never date a short dude and occasionally make jokes about them. You do have my sympathies.

It's way more socially acceptable for dude's to have their weight commented on, even harshly.

We have mandatory health insurance where I live, so costs for obesity do actually affect me.

I think it's reasonable to criticize an idea or a statement for perceiving it to be that.

We recently had a referendum on a rather xenophobic initiative here in Switzerland, and I think there was a small town with like three or so foreigners living in it who voted for that initiative by more than 90%.

Eh, things aren't too bad where I live actually. Not perfect, but pretty good.

I have encountered far too many girls and women online who complained about guys only wanting big boobs and butts and curves and not finding them attractive because they hadn't been naturally gifted in that department.