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Butbut, they're not doing it on principle, they're just doing it to improve their reputations and make more money in the long run! It's still all about the bottom line!

Yes, that's what I mean by "respect". Frank respects him enough to not push him to "dabble" (even though he might be able to, possibly), because he knows that's not really how crossing that line works, and he knows Daredevil isn't truly ready to commit.

You're not alone, I'm very fond of his performance, voice included, in that movie.

Yeah, based on what I've seen of him in the Tudors, I think he could even do the edgy version of Supes pretty well, and based on Man from UNCLE, if he were allowed to have some fun, he could be.

The look on Daredevil's face (well, the part which is visible, anyway) in the header pic is somehow greatly amusing to me.

Another example which comes to mind is that in the new Star Trek continuity, apparently they can teleport onto and from a ship moving at warp speed across immense distances, which makes me wonder just what the hell the point of a spaceship still is?

Agreed. Setting things up for later is fine, but it shouldn't feel like that's the primary point of the season.

I feel your pain, and I asked myself that very same question when I noticed it. I am not saying this with pride or arrogance, but rather with astonishment and maybe a bit of regret.

I could have bought it if there had been fewer of them, and if the ones who did show up had been highly skilled fighters (see Nobu in season 1) instead of just cannon fodder for Matt's fists. But yeah, the whole concept of ninjas doesn't hold much water once you start to use your logic box.

Yup, I'm pretty sure Fisk now has caught a case of the suspicions which will lead him to figure out who Matt is.

If Wilson Fisk were to break the fourth wall and address the audience I might actually get scared. :D

Well, it's not that far off the mark.

I hated that Durant caved so easily, but I loved Frank's confession.

while evil badness closes in on its next target

I doubt I would like him much as a person if I were in Foggy's position (personal history of long friendship notwithstanding), but I do love him as a character.

Yeah, while I wasn't equally interested in all of season 2's subplots, I think the pacing was much improved over season 1, and even more over Jessica Jones.

There are two sets of reviews for the show here, one for the bingers, and one for those who like to take it slow, this being the latter.

Haha, I was just thinking "Alright, if he still disagrees with me I'm going to go with good ol' 'agree to disagree'", but you got there first.

About that in and of itself? Nothing, really. It's a pretty bad thing.

Well, the apocalypse doesn't come about 365 nights a year. And as said, my primary issue is with him saying he'll do this and that on the lawyer side of things, but then flaking out. That's just being unreliable. And it's not like the lawyer side of things doesn't matter, the stakes in Frank's trial were pretty big,