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I think we are. ;-)

I don't remember whether there were already rumors about those specific two. But I suppose if he actually confesses to these two while not much on it is out in the world, despite him then going "Haha, joking!", the threat has more credibility. Maybe. I'm not sure on this show's logic.

Well, there's always the chance that she might come out on top? Of course it's a risk, not backing down. But surely she has some resources, friends and allies (given how many people Frank has pissed off and betrayed over the years, surely she should be able to find some people to help her, people who have some power

Yeah, the ninjas didn't really do it for me. I think there should have been way fewer of them, but more formidable ones (as fighters), and some actual explanation on what the hell was going on and why would have helped me invest in this storyline.

Haha, excellent point!

Yeah, I got a bit of a "setting things up for other shows/events" vibe from this season.

I suppose that would depend on their specific arrangement, but yes, could very well be the case.

That's my primary issue with these sorts of movies (and novels): Their premises just seem so bloody stupid. Ah well, luckily I don't have to read and/or watch them.

They should have had her be played by a Chinese actress. Watching the internet's hissy fit over that would have been hilarious. Well, even more hilarious.

Bryan gets a bit of a bonus from me because the actor played Wesley on Daredevil, and I loved Wesley (miss him :( ). But I'll admit that's not exactly the path of rationality.

But Foggy was trying to help, he was the one who actually did most of the case work, trying to keep their company and their case afloat. Matt convinces him to take on the Castle case, because "every live matters" and all that. But then when it comes time to deliver, he's nowhere to be seen for large parts of the case.

From a character POV, I kinda got what they were trying to do with Matt. He truly does feel like keeping "his" city save is his responsibility (his cross to bear, so to speak). I'm fine with that if other characters actually call him out on it.

Yeah, that could be it. Still, if she really does believe him, not sure how sound of a strategy that was in the long run. She might start investigating, and surely Frank doesn't want that? Ah well.

I enjoyed the scene for the sheer chewing of scenery from Spacey, but yeah, I definitely had a bit of a "WTF?" on my face when Cathy just gave in. She is the secretary of state of the US-goddamn-A. FFS woman, show some spine! You even had Frank by the balls in that moment, he didn't actually have any leverage!

Doug Stamper keeps it weird.

Not to mention that it was Matt who convinced Foggy to take the Castle case in the first place! But once they actually had the case Matt was all "I have to do more important things, saving my city, cya!"

Yup, the moment I saw how many ninjas there were I expected Frank to show up and unleash mayhem on them as well. But alas…

I agree that it's completely unbelievable, but in the show's universe, I think they actually didn't too bad of a job on addressing this and making it seem acceptable. Not in a "yeah, this could maybe happen" kinda way, more in a "within the ridiculous rules on which this show's politics are based, this seems not like

Also, the show wants to have its cake and eat it too by having Frank confess and then say it was a joke.

Pretty sure Donnie's a goner. I figure he made a deal with Axe where is family is well taken care of and in return he messes with the investigation. Not sure if he genuinely was backtracking on such a hypothetical deal or if that was still part of the plan (going by how unnerved Bobby seemed at not being able to find