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Yup, pretty much. I think some of it can probably be attributed to him becoming a better fighter as he goes along and the protection provided by the new suit, but still, the contrast is pretty ridiculous. Those ninjas were some weak-ass pansies, especially when comparing them to the mayhem which was Nobu in season 1

Well, I suppose they didn't want to overdo it with "Karen" gets herself out of a tricky and potentially lethal situation after she'd shot Wesley (RIP, you magnificent bastards) in season 1.

Yeah, that sounds pretty reasonable plausible.

I absolutely loved that moment. So cathartic.

Yup, saw that video recently and it definitely got me excited for John Wick 2. Hell, they don't even need to do proper trailers anymore, they can just show me that. :D

I wish they'd taken the opportunity to have Matt and Frank go back and forth in a sort of cross-examination scenario,

Yeah, I think that's probably the most sensible explanation. Still, I would have appreciated some more info on what the whole boohaha was about.

Yeah, I thought it was very preposterous as well, and was waiting for somebody to step in.

why would you assume that was a distant thing?

There are three things which would pretty much fix (or at least greatly improve) the ninja situation for me:

Eh, personally I'd put the two seasons of Daredevil above Jessica Jones. JJ tried to stretch 6 or 7 episodes' worth of plot out to 13 episodes, which made it pretty boring (or even aggravating on occasion) for extended stretches for me.

I always read that as "Piece of Crap" at first, then have to go back and reparse the text, because, well, very unfortunate implications.

I think I liked the season better than you did (I'd probably give it a B), but I agree with a lot of your thoughts.

The captions were fantastic!

re: Lots of Unresolved Plot Threads: I think the season might have fallen victim to "setting things up for future MCU seasons" syndrome, at least when it came to what the Hand was up to.

Yeah, when Daredevil told Brett to take the credit, I was kinda wondering what his partner would think about it.

I got pretty fed up with Matt's behavior this season towards the people close to him, and was very glad when Foggy and Claire called him out on it.

But I want them.

"Something, something MY CITY something, something ONLY I CAN SAVE IT something, something I HAVE TO DO THIS something, something!"

Yeah, the amount of damage he was able to take and the speed at which he was able to bounce back from it was a bit superhuman, but I think that was handwaved by him being able to heal faster than a regular human through some sort of special meditation technique.