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Using the term "micro-aggressions" in relation to the Punisher seems absolutely hilarious to me.

Good point. I haven't watched Arrow since the season 2 finale (haven't really had the time), but kept reading the reviews and comments, and from what I've gathered, that seems pretty accurate.

Yeah, that's true. I think I'm less bothered by him doing it than by the lack of characters calling him out on it. Then again, that might get old too:

Ah yes, different show runners, the bane of consistent storytelling.

Haha, yeah, indeed. She has a bit of a woobie thing going on, that poor girl (especially if you count all the bad shit which happened to her last season as well).

Oh yes, that felt so great! You go, Claire!

There are upsides and drawbacks to that. Leaving his abilities more vague gives the writers more leeway in how they handle his abilities from scene to scene, being able to handwave away possible discrepancies by going "Well, it's never explicitly stated how his powers work, so this isn't really a contradiction."

Yup, pretty much. I skimmed through season 1 again yesterday, and Matt got beat up a lot more, raising the physical stakes noticeably. I get that his new suit is supposed to protect him more, but I think facing fewer ninjas, and making those more formidable opponents would have been more interesting.

Haha, I see you too have made the acquaintance of the ultimate enemy of sleep and productivity!

So, I've been skimming through season 1, and in episode 11, Melvin actually says that Betsy helps him when he gets confused, so in that context I think him being in a better state of mind this time around makes sense.

I'm just going to take your word on that as I'm not really familiar with her (I've read a bit on Wikipedia, but that's about it).

I don't like the whole "ninja army" concept. It just sounds a bit like that goes against the entire point of a ninja, which is supposed to be a stealthy assassin, at least how I usually understand the concept.

Just noticed:

I think that goes for pretty much every superhero.

I've been called worse.

Ah, right, forgot about that one. Thanks!

Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen, have a few exams coming up. :D

Yeah, very well put I'd say. I suppose it's just the law of diminishing returns, conservation of Ninjutsu or something like that.