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Dammit, I still have to watch that show at some point, but I just haven't had the time. Ah well, summer break, hopefully. Thanks for reminding me. :-)

Yeah, the whole mystic background of it all hasn't really been explained much yet. Maybe they're saving that for the Defenders team-up series?

Hm, hadn't considered that, but now that you mention it…

Alas, poor mooks.

Ah yes, good ol'

"I'll just quickly do this thing."
"Oh, but I gotta do it right!"
*unreasonable amount of time later*
"Okay, I think that'll do. Unless, maybe…"

But yes, I definitely did enjoy them, and thank you for your appreciation.

Nobu definitely seemed to have lost some of his mojo between seasons. Maybe being burned alive just knocked him down a peg or two? He did have scars from that, so maybe he was actually affected by it in his fighting abilities as well.

Also, in a work environment which looks pretty crammed, how long did they just have Ben's office sitting empty, and why? I had to laugh at that pretty hard.

I don't think she'll confess that quickly (although I wouldn't mind at all), but I certainly hope that they will have that discussion at some point, and hope it has some interesting repercussions.

Pretty much same here. The fight overall I didn't find all that compelling, but once Matt goes into berserker mode with confidence in Frank having his back, fuck yeah!

I think some things were significantly improved in season 2, especially the pacing (even more so compared to Jessica Jones, in my humble opinion).

Well, it's not that I disliked the stairwell fight scene, I just felt like the punches weren't landing quite as viscerally as in the hallway scene from season 1. Aside from that, I still thought it was quite an awesome scene, and I especially liked how they showed Matt getting more and more exhausted, that was pretty

Given the artillery Frank can bring to bear and the lack of scruples with which he goes about that, I could see him getting away from them though. Even Luke got pretty dazzled by that shotgun blast to his head. And Jessica might be pretty strong, but she's not invulnerable, nor is she a very good tactician I think.

Shout-out to Caroline for both viewing the show and getting out these reviews in such a timely manner, and taking time to show up in the comments too!

Well, if he just keeps ahead of the law he should be able to stay out of prison. But yeah, the whole concept of a lone man staying ahead of law enforcement while definitely not keeping a low profile sounds a bit ridiculous. But without it, we kinda wouldn't have the Punisher in the first place I suppose.

I think an entire 13-episode run of him doing murder and mayhem might be a bit much, but I wouldn't mind him getting individual shorter runs.

Yeah, I'm a bit puzzled by that as well. I hope we get more info on that at some point.

Must admit, the final fight on the rooftop didn't really do it much for me. Then again, the whole ninja fighting thing had become kinda old for me anyway by that point. Still, having Frank show up and kill some of those ninjas was awesome.

Even the fight in the stairwell with the bikers somehow felt a bit… off. Not really sure why, but it just didn't feel as visceral as the hallway fight in season 1 to me. And I'm a bit puzzled why this would be the case, it's not like they forgot how to do visceral fights (Punisher, prison, hallway, 'nuff said), but

There's a difference between necessary operational secrecy and being a dick.

Ah yes, civil and friendly disagreement, how dare we?!