Drop Message

Yup, I totally saw that coming, but I still chuckled. Of course the tea was for him!

Man, Stick is such an unlikable asshole. He's a character I'd miss the least in terms of anyone buying the farm.

I was quite positively surprised by it. There is some ridiculous stuff in there, but as somebody who's served, I really enjoyed people handling firearms somewhat competently (which is probably also why I have a bit of a weak spot for some of Michael Mann's work and the Strike Back TV series, although of course the bad

I really like his performance, but I don't have a problem with people for whom it doesn't quite work. In the end, I think there is quite a bit of your mileage may vary at play here. Same with Foggy. I've seen quite a few people say that the character and/or the performance just doesn't work for them whereas I don't

Now that you mention it, you might be on to something there. It could also be an explanation for his speech rhythm with all those pauses, him reminding himself not to go apeshit every few seconds ("Nono, bad Wilson, don't tear his head off just yet. Good boy.").

He did indeed. Occupational hazard of being within Fisk's reach while pissing him off, I suppose.

Side note: Caroline, I appreciate that you seem to be writing these reviews before starting to watch the next episode. I know there were quite a few heated debates in the comment sections of the season 1 reviews about the reviews kinda spoiling some things, and although I've already seen all episodes of season 2, I

I was surprised they killed Reyes. I'd been framing her in my mind as a longterm civil antagonist.

Yup, that's pretty much my line of thinking. In the heat of the moment, he went to the "son of a boxer" thing, but the seed of doubt and suspicion now seems to have been planted in his mind, and he's starting to dig into Matt Murdock a bit more thoroughly.

Yes, I know, but I think that was just his first response in the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if he started to have more suspicions upon further reflection.

“I’m probably just the right age for this shit.”

As hilarious as the Avengers having a hotline would be, I doubt we'll ever get to see that. But surely it would be possible to point their attention to a potential threat on the apocalyptic scale somehow. It's not like they're unknown to the world at large. The bigger challenge would probably be to have your message

Same here. Cathartic indeed.

Hm, interesting. I haven't really picked up on anything which noticeably annoys me about him, but I suppose this is a bit of a personal thing.

Took me a while too. And it's understandable, since at this point they're not as close as Wesley and Fisk used to be. New Wesley is primarily an underling, Real Wesley was an actual friend I'd say.

Hm, good point actually. Though I'm not sure how much I should worry about US law, since I don't live there (then again, the US judicial system does have long tentacles). I mean, downloading via torrents is actually completely legal in my country, it's the uploading part which is against the law. Not sure about the

That's actually a good point. And if I'm not mistaken, it wasn't even Matt who got it off the table, Foggy did all the legwork on getting Frank a deal!

I have indeed noticed that being an issue. It all kinda blurs together.

I split them into two sessions over two days usually, works pretty well.

Now I kinda want to see a slow-mo scene of that in a movie.