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I don't think it was flawless, but all things considered my complaints are minor, and articles like those just sound to me like the typical clickbait intellectual fecal matter which is all too common these days.

Yeah, I can understand that. I'm not really annoyed by the performance, but that's a very personal thing, and I'm sure I've been on the other side of this discussion (though I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but I might just have blocked them out), being annoyed by an actor/performance which seemed

Pretty much that, yeah. And then him standing there and vanishing into the fog/smoke. I was more fixated on his face than his shirt.

Not in the moment I must admit. I was kinda not paying much attention to details, trying to take in the awesomeness I had just witnessed.

Having finished the season, I think the pacing has been significantly improved over season 1, and massively improved over Jessica Jones, which felt to me like it was trying to stretch out 6 or 7 episodes' worth of plot into 13 episodes.

Wesley and Fisk forever!

Imagine how great legal procedurals could actually be!

I know a lot of people don't like the Foggy character and/or the actor portraying him, but damn did I enjoy the crap out of him calling Matt out on his bullshit.

Holy fucking hell, that cellblock fight… holy fucking hell!!!! That was freaking awesome! And then when all was done, Frank just standing there when the riot guards came in. Hell yeah!

Yeah, I didn't really catch any explicit mention of what the hole was for, but being an excavation site for the sarcophagus makes sense. Although that is one big-ass hole for a sarcophagus. But ah well.

I noticed a few weirdnesses in the timelines as well, and honestly, I don't think it all quite matches up, but I'm not bothered by it too much (or rather: not enough to really start digging into it).

Honestly, I kinda get where Foggy is coming from re: Matt not being around. They founded a firm, together. Depending on each other cuts both ways. If you don't want to be a partner in the law firm, then don't be. But don't say you are and then be as undependable as Matt is being. Besides, he was the one who wanted the

Yeah, that's what I figured too. It wasn't so much that she thought he was cheating on him, but she was no longer willing to take his lies and the secrecy.

I love Clancy Brown but he was pretty distracting. They're pretending like this is just a minor one off character but you just know that he's going to have a bigger role because he's being played by Clancy Brown.

If the right actor gets handed the right piece of monologue and delivers it in that certain magic fashion which some actors seem to be able to do, holy hell do I like me some monologues.

I think the clichés in her character get a bit overshadowed in her earlier appearances by how fun Elodie Yung plays her, and in this episode it's a little less fun, so it sticks out more.

Reyes is also a terrible lawyer. Eventually she should have objected to Matt's monologue to the jury and asked if anything resembling a question was ever going to be asked. Matt was essentially delivering a closing argument disguised as a direct examination and actually never asked Frank Castle anything.

Unless that was some other Greek girl. It's not like Matt's list of intimate relations is short as far as we can tell. But yeah, could be her, hard to say for sure.

Yeah, that's what I concluded as well. Besides, her turn-on wasn't so much for getting the guy dead per se I think, but for having Matt kill his father's murderer. As soon as she figured Matt wouldn't actually kill the dude, her fatal attraction kinda thing broke and there wouldn't have been much point in her killing

Yes. Although as far as nudity goes, they limited themselves to a short hint of shadowed side boob.