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Yeah, on the sliding scale of completely legal vs. utter illegality it's definitely located more towards the former's side rather than the latter's, I'd agree with that.

I don't actually download or watch this show (sorry, just haven't had the time), I was merely making an example.

I'm just saying that if a person who lives in a place where the show is not available downloads it illegally, that's not a lost viewer, since that person had no actual means of legally viewing the show anyway.

Instead the Grotto subplot mostly feels like the show trying to give Foggy and Karen something to do.

When nearly one-third of the audience for Hannibal is coming from pirated sites — despite the fact that a legitimate download for each episode was available the following day

My thoughts exactly.

Have to admit, I rather enjoyed Cathy putting up a bit of a fight. And the chat between Frank and Conway was pretty entertaining too. Definitely a much improved season over the last one, at least for me.

Well, it was fun while it lasted, but at least we hopefully have a chance at a decently planned ending.

They never had the obligation to reveal themselves in the first place.

Oh lord, that piece is just absolutely freaking amazing. Spine, shivers, all that good stuff.

Ha, finally I meet somebody who shares my soft spot for loyal right hand men and women! Pleased to make your acquaintance, dear fellow internet person.

I think the difference (well, the primary one which comes to mind off the top of my head, anyway) between Bush and Trump is that Bush alone didn't really get much of a reaction from me. Sure, he had this whole born-again Christian thing going on, which I found rather suspect, but that's about it. What made Bush truly

Not to mention Frank, which seems to go from Machiavelli to blundering idiot or vice versa every couple of weeks in the show's timeline.

This man, I like him.

Maybe they just don't follow his advice? Then again, hiring an advisor only to then not follow his advice seems a bit self-defeating, but weirder things have happened in show business I'm sure.

Things which I'm not too enthusiastic about:

I think "righteous warrior" might more be what Chuck sees himself as, not what he objectively is. At least that's the impression I get.

Goddammit, now I'm kinda rooting for the big corporate empire and its lawyers. That's what I call a disturbance in the force.

Yeah, I read about that too and figured the same. Ah well, such is life.

There ARE people who don't know these things.