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The US version tries (and fails) to be Macbeth.

I kept kinda wishing they'd just make the show about him in season 3. He seemed to be having way more fun than Underwood and his people.

I liked that they showed his recovery from that head injury as being a crapload of work, instead of just going the usual "Hey, that guy was hurt, but now he's mostly okay again, because Hollywood medicine is magic!" route.

Same here. It felt like work, but I was curious where it was going to go, so I ended up fast-forwarding a lot. Probably got through it in less than half of actual runtime, though I didn't measure.

Yeah, agreed. Charlie might be all Zen at the surface, but once you piss him off, holy hell, you don't want to piss him off.

Contrary to Jolie, I can actually buy Shahi kicking some ass, despite being rather… compact.

According to Wikipedia, it did. But apparently some of the music in the DVD releases has been changed.

I think she's a fantastic example of doing that kind of character right. Staying on the right side of the line, not making her bitter or bitchy or overbearing or just generally annoying. Yes, there was resentment and anger, but she was still compassionate and empathetic underneath it all, and they let that shine

I think he knew it, but refused to say it.

I could kinda get into the first two seasons, but I fast-forwarded probably through half of season 3, if not more (I fast-forwarded through parts of the earlier seasons too, but not as excessively). I kept watching because I kinda wanted to see how things work out (or don't), but there was a lot of stuff which didn't

Well, it looks like there are a few more episodes to go until that happens.

Great, now I kinda have to watch this show!

Yeah, same. It's kinda funny: I've been rewatching it, and as far as I can tell, objectively speaking (insofar as one can judge these matters objectively), I'm not sure if it's really extraordinarily good (although I still think it's pretty good).

Sarah Shahi is unbelievably gorgeous.

Her pregnancies have a habit of messing with her appearances on shows I really like. First it was the final few episodes of Life, now it's been PoI.

I'm sure she counts as several reasons.

I'm still hoping for the day when Life gets a revival on HBO, with all the violence and sex that goes with that territory.

I have been very pleasantly surprised by Limitless if that counts as a procedural.

*thinks you are joking*

I think there's some amazing workmanship in that movie, and I liked it overall, but it didn't really click enough with me to get the urge to rewatch it any time soon.