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Maybe he's going to become the internet's next Leo, with people asking why he doesn't have an Oscar yet for the next 10 years or so.

I'm pretty sure the shitstorm he would have caused by not bringing it up would have been monumentally bigger than the internet's giant party at Leo finally winning his golden little statue.

As long as it's rated NC17, I might watch that.

Yeah, I think you might be on to something with the repetitiveness. It's probably a pretty good way to put it. I also didn't care too much for the kid, and when he was kidnapped to North Korea I must admit I did some serious eye-rolling.

I think Strike Back had run its course though. I can't quite put my finger on it, but somehow the last season didn't click with me as much as the earlier ones. I still enjoyed it, but somehow something just felt a bit off. Maybe that was just me though, not sure. I might rewatch the entire series some time this year,


Seems like that would require some stretching; her head looks twice as big as his.

Which group of smug individuals do I belong to?

Every story thread I can remember being in play at the moment has me interested, so I'm really hoping they can do them justice in just 8 episodes. I really wish we'd got 50 episodes of this grand adventure, but if season 4 turns out to be awesome, I won't complain too much.

I would really have loved to get 50 episodes out of this show, but ah well, such is life. So stoked for the final season, wohoo!

The only ceremony I've watched completely, and such a nice moment, indeed.

The delightfully unexpected moment of honesty called attention to the Academy’s propensity for nominating “important” films the general public could care less about.

Gothic murder and mayhem with that cast: Splendid, I'm in!

Indeed, the synergy was strong in those episodes. Crews just digging that hole, Hollis slowly unraveling until he'd made a full confession, and Crews then filling the hole up again was just utterly awesome.

Yeah, I liked it well enough I suppose, but it didn't exactly made me gush with joy either. Not really feeling the urge for a sequel. Especially because I really like DeKnight's TV work and would rather get more from him on that front. But hey, good for him I suppose, breaking into the movies.

I'm not sure how much of The Hobbit was Jackson's fault to be honest. He came onto the project while it was already pretty far along, and it was a rather messed up situation, with things basically being made up as they went along apparently:

Well, for an R-rated Wolverine movie, you could at least finally have him cut dudes in half and all that, instead of just scratching or stabbing them.

Well, I suppose good for DeKnight, breaking into the big movies and all, but personally I've rather enjoyed his work in TV, I'd much rather he do more great TV than this. But ah well.

Yeah, I was entertained enough by it to not regret having watched it, but I really didn't find it all that great. Aside from being pretty dull besides the fights (which I do think are pretty awesome though), the first time I saw a Jaeger being lifted by a few helicopters I just cringed; it was just way too obviously

First saw her in Go On. Kept watching, and she was definitely part of the reason for that.