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The Prestice is definitely my favourite movie of his, and agreed, I'd love him to do something… less bombastic again.

Well… you can skip forward, or not?

So… after reading this review, I went ahead and binged all the episodes of the show so far.

Oh….dear lords of the underworld, please NO!

I saw the movie, mostly enjoyed it, but I must admit I groaned when I heard that it was being turned into a TV show (it seems so many things are turned into TV shows or remade or rechewed or rehashed these days).

I don't care what people say, I enjoyed of Kingsman, for the most part. Yes, I was bummed that they killed off Colin Firth, but at the same time I found it cool that they actually dared to do that. As they said, "this is not that kind of movie". And even if somebody didn't enjoy it, I'd still say that it's great that

I'd watch the shit out of that.

There is no such thing as "former colonies", only "overseas territories in temporary multi-centennial rebellion".

I actually downvoted that video on their youtube page. Do you know what it takes for most people to go out of their way to downvote a video?

Haha, that one is actually new to me I must admit (the term, not the sitting position). Around here, people often take up two spaces (one for themselves, one for their bags and such, if they have them) anyway until somebody asks if they're reserving the seat next to them. Then you take your luggage onto your lap or

My basic ideology is "Bias and prejudice are inevitable even in the most well-intentioned people, so I'll just try not to be an asshole. I won't succeed all the time, but it's the best I can do.", and then go from there.

I shall make a note of that in case I ever stop by, thanks!

Well of course, a smile fixes everything, even if it's fake!

Ha, cool! It's not paradise, but overall, yeah, it ain't too bad. Definitely not cheap though, that is true.

Also the land of small-minded people who would love to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist and doesn't concern them.

Funny thing is, all things considered, I still am pretty freaking privileged. Had I lived 100 years ago, I'd either be an utter cripple or dead by now. Had I been born in a country without a functioning healthcare system, I'd either by an utter cripple or dead by now. I could have been born to a father who was

Wait, trailers now have part 1 and part 2? Jesus fucking Christ!

If only they had the capability to comprehend the irony. But alas, that is not one of the strong suits of jerks in my experience.

I mean would you walk up to someone and demand that they shake your hand?

I always find it a bit weird when guys go "Not all men are rapists! Especially me!" or something similar when the point made is more along the lines of how prevalent shitty behavior on our part towards girls and women is.