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They don't actually seem that bad this time around. Not all-around splendid, but still, not too bad.

Frowning is my natural state of being. It is the state in which I expend the minimum amount of energy possible while still having a functioning metabolism.

While the cause for my social isolation slightly differs (long-term bad health slowly corroding my spirit over several years), I can speak from experience that flat-out giving up on finding a partner does make life significantly less stressful.

I don't really get the impression that his post is blaming mothers, more pointing out an opportunity to help matters.

I don't exactly have a very sunny disposition to begin with, and on top of that I suffer from bad health, so I will often look rather grumpy.

Haha, not quite. Switzerland. Although since I suffer from bad health, I do indeed smile rather rarely. Regardless of that though, we are a rather reserved people in general, not very outgoing, and I'd be more on the "non-smiley" side of the scale even without my health troubles.

Well then, I don't think I'd fare too well over there.

Yeah, I come from a much more emotionally reserved people. I wasn't even aware this was a thing until very recently, and it certainly would never occur to me to tell a girl (or guy, I suppose) to smile. It just seems utterly ridiculous to me.

Our neighbour's dog will bark at garbage bags and other random things at night when she can't recognize what it is.

Yup, same here. Unless they're my boss, in which case I'd probably go for a more passive-aggressive response.

I don't think I'd classify as *sexual* harassment (sexist possibly, but it doesn't really seem sexual to me, but then again, what the fuck do I know), but if somebody told me to smile, there are two possible outcomes:

Is this primarily a US thing? Because where I live, I've never heard of this, nor would it occur to me, ever, to tell a woman (or a guy, for that matter) to smile. It just seems so freaking ridiculous to me.

I must admit I was not aware of this "telling people to smile" thing until quite recently (it seems I come from a country whose culture is less obsessed with this than the US seems to be, at least as far as I can tell), but I find it really freaking weird. It would never occur to me in a million years to tell somebody

Personally I'm primarily watching for the actors and performances at this point. It has a few for whom I have a bit of a weak spot, and even the rest are doing pretty nice work IMHO.

I've seen it once, it was alright.

Maybe there's just not enough gratuitous nudity and/or torture and/or murder?

Yeah, I had the exact same thought. Somehow Wendy seems predestined to get caught in the crossfire.

Oh, good point, had forgotten about that. Yeah, I wouldn't actually mind that. Just don't have it be dragged out for ages. I don't need another half season or more of Dany trying to master Dothraki tribal politics.

I thank you for your thank you and shall await your response.

Haha, I like her.