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Hehe, that does not feel entirely inaccurate. :D

You know, if you stay away from comment sections and entertainment news sites, it might actually be doable. I went for an entire month before being spoiled for the new Star Wars, and I didn't even take any special care to prevent being spoiled. And when I did get spoiled, it was in a Cracked article on movies, and

You know, if the Dothraki actually came to fucking Westeros, I wouldn't mind them. But yeah, after Dany becomes Khaleesi of that Khalasar, she can then go search for her stolen dragons again next season. At least this time they're bigger, so no longer as easy to hide.

Oh boy… because everyone likes a good pregnancy storyline, even when it's not the result of marital rape (please internet, spare me the semantics of whether it was actually rape or not, I think at this point nobody on the internet is going to change their opinions on that one through means of debate, so we can

I had a great laugh when I saw that IMdB titled this "Season 6 Trailer" on their front page. Seriously?! This is a preview for a sneak peak for a teaser for a trailer, at fucking best.

Hehe, good point. Good ideas crossing people's minds in the zombie genre is indeed an odd rarity, only allowed when plot demands it. Or rather: when the writers run out of ideas of how to artificially make people sufficiently stupid to actually have trouble defeating zombies (or at least it seems to me that way).

I don't watch the show (just here for the fun comment section), but I can say from the Banshee reviews that it's great fun having a reviewer who enjoys a show, and the reviews and comments for that show are a big part of my overall enjoyment of it. Really bummed about that show ending, but stoked for the last round.

I wouldn't worry too much to be honest. The only reason zombies are a credible threat in the zombie genre is because its characters are mostly incompetent morons. Assuming you're even halfway smart, you'd probably be fine.

For me, it actually is the viewing experience. Great fun!

It's a pretty fun (parody? probably) account. Haven't seen one as dedicated as him (her?) in a while I must admit.

Hm… that would be interesting. Would we see a decrease in annoying child characters because they couldn't afford to kill child actors all the time?

It's definitely a parody account. Great fun though, I'm enjoying it a lot.

Very few people would be zombie bait, because the zombies would have been defeated in short order by airstrikes and armoured fighting brigades. Zombies are a pathetic enemy and the only reason they are a credible threat in the zombie genre is because people in the zombie genre are all a bunch of fucking idiots.

But that's been a staple of fiction since forever: Watching gleefully as an annoying character (child or adult) is killed off is the audience's reward for suffering through that character in the first place, it just feels so cathartic! It's how we manage to hold on to the last remnants of our sanity while partaking in

Everyone on this show should just die. And they will. It might just take a few more decades.

But the pilot stated that the zombies are more active at night, why would they be drawn to light? Why are their eyes even still intact? Why aren't groups of people building giant traps for herds of zombies?

He really is in good form tonight.

Well, what else is there to root for, besides the deaths of adults?

I think you are looking for logic in the wrong place, my friend. ;)

I have a serious weakness for the "loyal right-hand man" trope, so Cavill got a big starter bonus with me since the first thing I saw him in was the Tudors. He got to do quite a variety of emotional states on that show if I remember right (been a while since I saw it), from carefree womanizer to "ordered to commit