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I actually get the Impression Alfred will be one of the things in this movie I might enjoy.

I'm hoping he's using a bit of exoskeleton help or something like that. But it might just the movie giving him comic-book strength, or Snyder doing Snyder things. We'll see I suppose.

I think given that probably thousands of people died when Supes and Zod levelled several city blocks, I see a chance that Batman's fear of what Superman could/would do if turned hostile and unleashed could be sold to me. I mean, he doesn't know Clark Kent the person, he's just seen two aliens with godlike powers kill

I'm hoping he's using an exoskeleton, a bit of a more subtle version of the big armor, because he does indeed look pretty freaking powerful in that scene. With him admitting to age taking its toll, I could imagine him using a bit of technical wizardry to aid in the kicking of butts.

I would really love a MCU movie told from the villain's perspective, get us to see their POV, maybe even empathize with them, only for the heroes to show up and fuck it all up in the end. Just a single movie, as a switch-up of conventions and expectations.

Yeah, it might not have been perfect, but I was positively surprised at how decent of an adaption it was. Better than I think I had any right to expect. And I do overall quite enjoy the movie, naysayers be damned.

I'm hoping he's using some sort of exoskeleton which we can't quite see, sort of a more subtle version of the full armor suit. Because yes, he seemed rather overpowered for a human in that scene. But it might just be Snyder doing the Snyder thing.

Isn't that what we define as fun these days?

Surely you're not suggesting that they actually plan?

If Supes is at full strength when he throws that punch, wouldn't Batman just go flying off? I mean, unless he either becomes ridiculously heavy through some sort of mass-increasing mojo or anchors himself to the ground, seems a bit weird for the punch not to send him flying.

I have not, but thanks for the warning.

Either I'm missing your sarcasm, or you're missing his (hers?) or both, or neither.

Are we still concerned with thematic gelling on this show though?

Confession time: While I have quite a few issues with MoS, I actually didn't mind the neck-breaking (assuming that's what you're referring to when you mention the ending).

Oh, we don't mind (I think), feel free to mingle! :)

I was very skeptical of Cap and his oft-touted idealism, being afraid that it might just not make for a very compelling protagonist. But luckily, the way they went with the character worked very well for me in the exact way you describe. I was very pleasantly surprised (Winter Soldier is probably my favourite MCU

Well, I'm sure they can find some convicts to power those boilers, or not? It is Australia, after all.

Yeah, I think the show has improved significantly since the first season, which I think dragged at times. I quite enjoyed the flashbacks last season, and the razing of Charleston in the last episode was just freaking awesome IMHO (I also enjoyed the "Let's steal a Spanish navy ship!" in the season premiere).

I'm not sure if Da Vinci's Demons was so much straightwashing, historical revisionism as just "Let's take a bunch of names from our history books and make a fantasy/sci-fi show set in renaissance Italy with them!"

If I keep watching this, it will most likely be for the cast, indeed.