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PoI is mostly pretty highly regarded around here if you check out the reviews. It's just that these Newswire articles tend to be very heavy on the sarcasm.

Incidentally, I just rewatched Last of the Mohicans this week because I got reminded that movie existed in another comment thread and hadn't seen it in a very long time.

Agreed. On one hand, Banshee has been run competently so far IMHO, so I have some confidence. On the other hand, at some point it doesn't matter how talented the people involved are, you're either going to end up with everything still in there but rushed and only superficially done, or plot lines will end up being cut

As long as we get a satisfying series finale, I can live with this. They might originally have planned for more seasons, but I think 100-ish episodes or so are a decent run, and I'd rather the show not overstay its welcome and go out on a high note.

So much better than getting blue balls in the heart.

Not sure, maybe more people would care about that.

Holy sucker of cocks, splendid news indeed!

Oh boy… Uncas and Alice, damn. Those two had a better love story in a few wordless (I think? been a while since I saw the movie) scenes than other pairs had over entire franchises. IMHO, at least. So yeah, I think you're right on that one.

Yeah, in the larger sense I have no issues with their deaths, it's just the execution(s) I found a bit lacking. Once Vaughn set those fires, retaliation was inevitable. And while I still don't see a necessity to actually set those fires, I think it fits with the pride in his character that he wouldn't just roll over

That is true, yes. I guess I was a bit too skeptical due to Hollywood's horrible track record on this front. Thanks!

Just as long as he eventually gets Rollo Tomasi.

Absolutely agreed. The sound in both Heat's and Miami's big gunfights was definitely a few levels above what you usually get.

Oh, nice, that actually sounds comforting. Appreciate the info, thanks! :)

Could be. I certainly wasn't very fond of his gay panic storyline I will admit.

I haven't been on Breitbart in quite a while. Thanks for reminding me why. Weird thing is, in my country I'm in the "gun" camp (I own guns, but am in favor of mandatory background checks and not a fan of general carry permissions for everyone, broadly summarized, which is more or less the current situation we have),

I think that might have drawn a bit much attention. Sterilization on the other hand, much stealthier.

I do not believe sentient dumpsters full of feces and poisons appreciate being insulted like that, dear monsieur DeGuerre.

Agreed. There was a feel of "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!!!!!" to that scene which you don't usually get from TV or movie shootouts. It was messy and chaotic, and the terror in the participants was palpable.

Yeah, he is admittedly one of the directors who have a pretty good hit rate with me, all things considered, so at some point I might give it a try, who knows. Thanks!

Yeah, the amount of time that romance sub-plot took up was kinda weird. Wouldn't have minded having more of those gunfights, since as you say, they were pretty damn awesome.