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Yeah, I didn't really need the romance subplot to take up that much space. Besides, they had a pretty awesome couple with Trudy and Tubbs (IMHO, at least), could have spent more time on that instead if they really wanted to push that angle.

Hey, if it works out to a season 3 I like as much as season 1, I can live with that.

Yeah, both Velcoro's and Vaughn's death scenes were pretty stunning in and of themselves IMHO (I suppose one's mileage may vary on Vaughn's "dead people from my past showing up", but regardless, beautiful imagery I think).

That… is actually pretty accurate I'd say. I hadn't watched the show at the time the movie came out, so I didn't really have that frame of reference and just enjoyed it, but fair point, yes.

If they're actually going with Uwe Boll as director, I'm totally in!

Both of her. I mean… nevermind.

I must admit I would have preferred Kingsley to be the actual villain, the reveal of the fakery didn't really work for me, nor did the other villains, same as you. I can kinda see how other people might like it, but thinking about the potential of Kingsley as an actual proper villain I can't help but think how awesome

I must admit I haven't actually seen that one and I really haven't felt the urge to do so. I think I saw a trailer at some point and went "Oh, this is going to annoy me as much as Swordfish did with its portrayal of hacking and anything IT-related, so I think I'm gonna skip it."

As much as people seem to dislike the movie (at least the last few times I saw a discussion on it), Miami Vice will always have a special place in my heart. I'm not saying it's objectively speaking an absolute masterpiece, but somehow that movie just clicked with me and ticked the right boxes. Part of it is probably

The third Iron Man is kinda weird to me. I really like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and other stuff Shane Black has done, so I was very hopeful about it. Then I went to watch it, and I could kinda, sorta see why people liked it, I think, but it just didn't really click with me and I'm still not sure why. Then again, I haven't

Yeah, I frequently find myself a bit annoyed at overly contrived happy endings or similar things. For example, I think agent Coulson should have stayed dead in the MCU. He was a cool character (IMHO, at least), and his death had meaning and impact, and getting him back… just didn't feel quite right to me (and as a

If only I'd known sooner.

Aren't we all?

Fair enough.

I don't regret it, but I must admit I won't be rewatching it any time soon. Probably never, actually. There was some stuff in there I enjoyed, but the ending was just such a damn downer it kinda kills the joy of going back and watching it again, even the things I did enjoy.

Why not both?

I also rather liked the big shootout in the streets of LA. Sure, it was a bit convenient for our three protagonists with plot armor to be the only ones still standing, but still, I rewatched that scene about three times right then and there.

I'd say it had more than two good actors, but the two actors which mattered most were really fucking good. IMHO, at least.

and I really hate when less powerful sidekicks insist on getting involved only to put "the objective" in jeopardy when they wind up needing to be rescued

Agreed. Overall, the way Kilgrave kept getting away again and again over the course of the season, I just got the impression that the writers had a big sign on their planning board which read "Remember, we need to fill 13 episodes and can only have Kilgrave be properly defeated in the last one!"