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It's as if the Rebels found out about the Death Star exhaust port, and then blew it up by Jedi-mind-tricking someone into activating the self-destruct sequence.

Not Prince Oberyn, that's who.

Now that you mention it, I knew the show was missing something. We need more rape of straight dudes!


Well now that Star Trek: The Wizard Awakens in the Ring is out, what else are we going to do to kill time until spring?

But what about "Fewer"?

Butbut, clickbait?!

Upvote for appreciation of The Last Kingdom, because, well, duh!

Yeah, that was a bit weird. If you want the scene to be consentual, fine; if you want it to be rape, I suppose that's fine too.

Yeah, same for me. I don't have a problem with the violence on the show (sexual or otherwise). The show portrays a horrible world, and I admit I partially watch the show to see horrible shit happen which I know other shows/books usually don't have the stones to pull off.

I kept imagining a screenwriter having a terminator-like display (like the red one in the first Terminator movie) with dialogue options, some of which might be labelled "humorous", and (s)he just chooses those without any insight into whether that's actually true, and why, or why not.

Yup, agreed. A huge part of why I like Winter Soldier so much is the relationship between Widow and Cap. Not the big action scenes, but the personal moments.

Yeah, I was a bit worried about how they'd make the split happen; whether they'd make Tony into a true bad guy or have Cap do something really stupid, or something else I haven't thought of. I'm glad that it seems like they're making both sides of this conflict have viewpoints which can be empathized with, at least as

Yeah, that's always been my thinking. Supes might be strong and have acclimated to Earth over the course of his life, but in the end he's not a trained soldier, and Zod is, so once Zod had gotten used to Earth, unless Supes were to get a magical training montage (and I'm not particularly fond of those TBH), Zod would

Yeah, I really liked UNCLE. No, it wasn't perfect (for example, I think the whole "let's have something clever happen and then explain it in retrospect" movie device was over-used), but I liked the three leads in their roles and their chemistry together, so I'm a bit bummed that I won't be seeing the three of them in

Oh, that's what that's called, sweet. Learned something today already, and it's not even 6pm (I'm not a native speaker, so I don't encounter such terms frequently).

Whatever his shortcomings, I will forever be grateful to Snyder for adapting Watchmen. No, it wasn't perfect, but as somebody who really likes the novel, I did overall rather appreciate the movie. I suppose it just hit the right spots with me.

Agreed. I really liked the moment after Matt had gone to Vanessa's gallery and then confided in his priest that the man he is contemplating killing has "somebody he loves, somebody who loves him" and all that.

That moment when Hope gives Jessica that look through the closing elevator doors which just tells you shit's about to hit the ventilation device sent actual shivers down my spine. And I am not a man who easily gets shivers sent down his spine by fictional matters.

No matter what people say about the new Bond, I have to say that long opening take I found pretty damn awesome.