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Ah, of course, how could I forget about Lila! Silly me.

BTW, now that I think about it, unless Kurt is doing the SoA spinoff as a prequel or concurrent timeline, he cannot cast his wife in the show…..Uh oh!

Competitive sheep shearing in the Dark Ages… now that sounds like a show I might actually watch, a comedy perhaps?

At least not unless it's a comedy (and even then, it needs to be the right kind of giggling I think, with the title rather than at it, or something like that).

As a Swiss, I actually find (Great) Britain to be rather decently-sized. :D

Isn't lacking impulse control a sort of stupidity though? I mean, yeah, he has talents, definitely, but I've always thought you can be smart in some areas of your life and stupid in others. Then again, I suppose that's just splitting hairs and arguing about semantics.

To be fair, compared to the internet, the AV club commentariat is usually pretty civil even when it's being condescending, snarky and/or judgemental (or at least the sections where I hang you, which is mostly TV). Not saying it's all perfect, but I rarely come across actual vitriol.

Never watched Korra, so can't say how it compares, but yes, I do think that it's good.

never mind the fact you can't actually draw a sword from your back

Aha, first-hand information, much appreciated! At least I wasn't too far off the mark it seems, something rear-parts-related. :D

Yeah, I went with "arseling", and also went with the affectionate insult theory.

Re: The hacking stuff: This was nothing compared to Blacklist episode from last Friday (yes, I still watch Blacklist, because James Spader, such is life).

As somebody who can count himself in that group of cares more about animals than people in works of fiction, I honestly feel it's a bit weird myself.

Absolutely, I'm not counting on that happening any time soon, few things to sort out first.

Yup, definitely among my favourites as well. Alfred definitely has a set of giant steel balls on him.

I have not (yet) read the books, but that sounds like a well-chosen excerpt indeed, thanks!

"Dark age Don Draper" - hehe, nice one.

Yeah, he even totally fails at being an usurper, I had a good chuckle about that one.

Well I reckon we'll get back to her once the payback to Sven is on the timetable. Or at least I hope so.

Alfred is the character I'm most interested in seeing on screen at the moment actually. Not that the character roster isn't generally pretty damn good on this show, but at the moment Alfred's definitely the one whose scenes I'm enjoying the most. His negotiation with the Danes was truly an excellent scene, as you