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Yup, same for me, I'm currently most looking forward to what Alfred will get up to in the next episode.

Agreed on both Leofric and Alfred, I'm rather liking both of those guys so far. I especially liked Alfred's response to Leofric when he announced that Uhtred was going to be training Saxon fighters ("Leofric, I expect him to teach you nothing."), showing that he definitely still valued Leofric despite having a new guy

Damn, I'm definitely going to miss Brida, she brought some major awesomeness to the table.

Ah right, forgot about that weasel.

Oh, cool, was not aware of that, thanks!

Oh god, Connor, what did we do to deserve you? *shudders*

Ah yes, that moment when you suddenly feel compelled to try to condense your so far rather vague thoughts and viewpoints into a somewhat cohesive textual form by an internet discussion. I have been there, it can be quite a struggle.

Honestly, of all the scary powers I can think of off the top of my head, mind control is probably the creepiest one just in general.

That reminds me of characters in historical dramas who tend to be against slavery to increase their appeal for modern audiences, but who, historically speaking, if they'd actually existed, would quite possibly have owned slaves or at least not had a problem with the concept. Ah well, such is fiction.

Good point, yeah. The protagonist might not be in the history books, but depending on how much you're into history in general, you might already have an idea of how things went down for some of the other players (Alfred, for example).

This. All of this, so very much.

Upvoted for appreciation of Fringe rewatch. :)

I can understand his skepticism about Jane, but Weller being so insistent on being fine and black dude being insistent on that Weller is not is getting a bit old. They're just having the same discussion over and over.

If I haven't mixed up my characters, we saw Tasha's bookie, but Patterson's boyfriend (the dude who figured out the puzzle she wasn't supposed to bring home).

Because, ahem, wait, I had something for this… reasons? Yeah, that's it, reasons!

Yeah, I'm still betting on that scenario too. :D

Gotta start somewhere!

Trying to look at it rationally, I can't really figure out how Carter's plan can even be called a plan, but I did enjoy him a lot in this episode.

No worries, I only managed to binge it last Winter while laid up after surgery. Such is life.

I did find him more fun here than on Fringe though, at least in this episode.