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He would surely have tortured somebody first though.

I rewatched Fringe last winter, and while I don't recall everything about him, I think he's much more fun here. On Fringe he just seemed to be obstructive bureaucrat evil dude, here he seems to be having quite a bit of fun as the mustache twirler. Not that this is an objective judgement, just my personal impression.

Yeah, same, sadly.

I'm dreaming of a show where they just ditch the FBI team except for Patterson (the blonde science lady). Then Jane, Patterson and sarcastic CIA guy travel around the world and get into hilarious hijinks.

I did love the evil CIA guy in this episode though, he was freaking hilarious (or at least he got a few good laughs out of me).

They really are going about this whole tattoo decryption thing in a very haphazardly manner. One would think there's an entire division of cryptographers working on deciphering that shit.

Yeah, I'm liking their relationship as well.

This. All of this. Ideally I'd like her to hook up with Patterson, because I think Patterson is awesome, but considering we already got to see her boyfriend I reckon that's not going to happen. But whatever happens, please don't let it be Weller. Been there, done that, on practically every male-female lead show since

I have to say, I was almost hoping Jane would go with the CIA. Let's ditch the FBI team and follow Jane and Carter around the world doing all kinds of awesome shit. He gets to do his mustache-twirling snarky thing, she gets to kick ass, it could be an awesome show. They could recruit Patterson too, for added

Just as long as she brings it back in time for the next episode.

I swear this show is funnier than many so-called comedies IMHO.

Huh, very interesting, I got more of a pragmatist vibe from the guy. I suppose we shall see. And the current king seemed pretty okay, what with trying to make sure his competent brother succeeds him on the throne instead of his twat of a son.

Yup, I am rather liking that. The Saxons and Danes are conflicting parties, but I'd hardly classify either one as outright good or villainous (and from the spoilers I've read about the books that seems to be a recurring theme throughout the series if I'm not mistaken).

Edmund had a bigger character arc in those few minutes than some characters have gotten on other shows over many seasons. And somehow they not only managed that, but squeezed in a few hilarious bits if humour into the scene too. Phenomenal work indeed.

I'm loving the humour. Funnier than many comedies I've come across if I'm being honest. Not sure what that says about me or the state of comedies, but it is what it is.

I think considering the vastly smaller activity in the comments compared to GoT (which I guess probably also translates to less fewer clicks) it's probably not worth the effort from AVC's perspective. Not that I'd be against it, but money is usually king and all that (not that I'm saying that's necessarily a good

I'm really rather liking Alfred and the actor they cast for his part. Going by what I've read about the books, am very much looking forward to what's to come from him.

Yeah, if you pay attention and are able to keep track of who's Saxon and who's Danish, I think you can keep track of what language they're supposed to be speaking, but still, having them actually speak both languages would be pretty neat (I don't mind subtitles personally).

Are you implying there's shame in watching Starz, Cinemax and HBO?

Good point, where's the fun in life when you can't call a motherfucker a cunt?