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True, there could be hope!

He and Winchester (the other half of Strike Back's dynamic duo) had great chemistry IMHO, they played off of each other very well.

Oh, awesome, thanks!

Probably not, but it seems they don't know that.

If only they'd listen to you…

I feel 100% sure they will be more fun than either could possibly be with Weller.

Agreed, I'm not looking for him being goofy, but I wouldn't mind seeing some of Scott's charisma shining through. Scott had some pretty nice moments of sincerity over the show's run after all, and even his serious moments seemed to fit with the overall character, goofy parts and all.


While I can't say I'm angry, I am indeed disappointed that he doesn't get to be as fun as he was on Strike Back, indeed. I mean, I don't need him to be the same character, but Weller in his current state… meh, IMHO.


That was one of the things I really liked Bourne, that it was his decision to join that program.

Yup, agreed. Gives me the feeling that she's not just going to let this go, and that she's also not just going to get herself stupidly murdered right after having discovered what's up.

Duffel bag == Tardis?

Reasons, because plot!

I really liked him in Strike Back, I'm just not too fond of Weller constantly being angry and grumpy. Nor do I really enjoy him moping about his and his dad's roles in Taylor going missing.

Yeah, Edgar and Tasha seem to work pretty well together, I liked that scene too. And agreed, nice to see he was right, good instincts and all that.

I've always kinda disliked the Beckett's mom's murder plotline, mainly because it usually signified a pretty strong shift in the show's tone from its usual fun self (which was why I tuned in) to a dour and very, very serious Oh no, poor me, I have a dead mom and must seek justice! kinda show.

Yup, agreed, I would have really liked to see Jane and Edgar partnering up, from the scene they shared in this episode that seems to hold some potential IMHO.

Though I can't stay mad at Patterson. How cute was she in a man's dress shirt in her kitchen at the beginning of the episode!

Oh dear lord, I haven't watched it in a long time, but I really liked it once and that still kinda hurts.