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Holy shit do I feel stupid for not immediately noticing this.

Interesting. I really wasn't bothered by the invisible ink plot device thingy. To me it seemed exactly like the kind of convoluted nonsense somebody who does what has been done to Jane would come up with.

The shield wall was freaking awesome, the choreography when they arranged their shields looked utterly cool

As much as I enjoy some boobies and violence in my entertainment, the sexual politics (if one can call it that, not quite sure what the best terminology to use is here) of Sailz have occasionally irked even me I must admit. Not to the extent that it ruined the show for me, but noticeable enough to be, well, noticed.

Well at least they now finally have a top 250 tv show list. I remember that being asked for for ages and discovered it this summer. But yeah, their "best known for" thingy is kinda broken, whether on purpose or accidentally.

He, awesome! Looks like we have a case of the badass priest trope here. I am not against that.

Julia Bache-Wiig was astonishingly good; her fear of that scumbag was palpable.

Yup, I was very glad that they didn't go for the season 1 finale == we get to find out who Jane is trope (okay, not sure if that's actually a trope, but I was just kinda fearing they'd drag this out until next spring, or hell, even later).

It's been a while since I watched it, so I don't have it all in my head at the moment, but if I recall correctly, I thought it had some flaws, but overall I did enjoy it, and I'm looking forward to the next season.

I think Black Sailz might actually benefit from shorter seasons (say, six episodes). That way, they wouldn't need to fill as much time between awesome sea battles (which are never going to be abundant as they're probably pretty damn expensive to make) with, well, not awesome sea battles.

Fimmel's Ragnar is just something else to watch IMHO, but despite that, even though I've only seen two episodes of this show, I think I might end up liking it more than Vikings (not that I dislike that show though). We shall see I suppose.

Well at least he wasn't stupidly manipulated into his own execution, so that's something I suppose?

Haven't read the books, but the first two episodes get some serious thumb-uppage from me.

Two episodes and a Wikipedia session later and I'm already spoiled for what's gonna happen in the books. Goddammit!

Yup, she's pretty awesome IMHO.

"I've only just washed."
"The goats will be pleased."

When the Vikings got the command to "ease" in the initial battle I expected them to pull a full-on Cannae on their opponents asses. Seems they had a bit of a different idea, although same end result.

The back-and-forth between the priest and the kid was pretty damn entertaining ("What if you had a pig called Thor?" got a good laugh from me). The casting department did a great job with the child actor IMHO.

You do indeed make some fair points about the similarities between the two shows.

"This just in: Show in which a severely amnesiac naked chick who happens to be a former Navy SEAL and who is covered in tattoos related to grand conspiracy gets delivered to Times Square in a duffel bag is less unbelievable than a show in which this does not happen!"