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Yup, definitely some rewatch-worthy stuff in there, which is more than I can say for a lot of other shows and movies. So I suppose despite the skepticism I've voiced, I might already be more into this show than I had previously realised, and I think it's mostly due to the characters. Funny how that works.

To me, in the end, with almost every show, it will be about the characters, and how attached I get to them. Even on a pretty generic show, if they manage to get me to care about characters, I'll watch (to an extent, it should obviously offer at least a bit more than just that, but you get my point I think).

Yup, I'm really liking her on this. The scene in episode three between her and Alexander with the puzzle team metaphor was very nice IMHO.

He, that reminds me of the bar scene with Foggy and Karen in Daredevil, which I also really liked.

"Don't be mad at me for staring at a scan of your butt tattoo! I have to stare at your butt tattoo in order to protect the citizens of our great nation!"

Yup, whoever is responsible for casting Johnson, nice job IMHO! She's enthusiastic and positive, but not annoying, which can be a tricky balance to strike. And yes, let's spread out the workload a bit, make use of those actors they hired (otherwise what's the point in having them?).

How fun would Patterson taking Jane out for a girl's night be? Or letting Jane crash at her place?

Regardless of the finale's quality though, I still give Fox credit for letting the show get to an actual close. How good or bad the finale was I put more on the showrunners. I wasn't a huge fan of the fifth season in general if I'm being honest, but I do respect the show's ambition for trying that out, and am still

Yup, people bitch and moan about Fox a lot, but indeed I am very grateful for them sticking with Fringe until the proper close.

The fact that she apparently is responsible for having those tattoos on her herself would make her displeasure at butt-staring even more hilarious.

You are applying logic to a situation which does not follow logic. Trust me, I know, because I have made the same error many a times.

Same for me, although I find him less boring and more grumpy and joyless to watch (which I suppose can be boring). But yeah, they're really not making good use of him IMHO, which is a real shame. Maybe they'll figure it out though, it's still early days.

Yup, agreed on all counts. Weller just seems so fucking grumpy all the time, I really miss Scott. I don't need him to be Scott, but as you say, he just seems very joyless at the moment. Not really enjoyable to watch for me.

Yup, I really liked the scene in episode 3 where Johnson laid out that puzzle metaphor to Alexander about fitting in with the team and all that, some nice empathy vibes going on there IMHO. I wouldn't mind the relationship between these two being developed a bit more over the course of the show, it could make for a

I've just watched the first 3 eps, and while I'm not completely hooked yet, I think I'll keep watching for now and see where it goes.

"The veracity is in an external location."

I thought you were kidding. I googled. I saw you were not. Holy hell!

As much as I like Stapleton from Strike Back, this sounds like a very fair point indeed.

It's a fair question, no problem. Personally, with Scandal, honestly, not that much. Which is also why I don't actually comment a lot (I'm not here to spam the comment section, mostly I lurk and maybe make some conversation on occasion, such as now). Also I try to avoid pissing on the show from a place of ignorance.

at this rate there'll be penguins running Ponzi schemes next season.