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I've always found that a rather funny notion. As in, people who got rich on their own (i.e. they did not inherit a fortune) or are successful researchers in their field or something similar usually tend to be extremely driven and motivated I reckon.

Huh, I always thought the difference was that behind Fey's eyes there is still a soul.


He, funny timing you have, I just watched that segment last week.

Scary thing is, the style of politics perpetuated by Fox News has started to catch on here (Switzerland, fucking Switzerland!) too in the past years. Lots of fear-mongering (immigrants: bad! Muslims: terrorists! Other countries: Imperialists trying to tell us what to do!), very few actual facts. And it's actually

Don't worry. The fact that you seem to have overcome that habit and shown personal growth and a will to learn already shows that you were never a typical Fox News viewer to begin with as best as I can tell. We all stray from the true path in our lives on occasion.

[…] it's always best to take the pessimistic view with British politics, I've found.

Well, to be fair though, Mob Doctor is a hilariously stupid title for a scripted TV show. Not really sure why I think that, I just remember going "What? Somebody was allowed to name a show that?" Somehow it sounds much more like a reality TV show title to my ears.

I thought he played that part quite well actually, never really had a problem with his performance.

I found the Justified pilot rather good. Not sure what the consensus on that is though.

People electing ficitonal characters into political office would explain so much though.

I haven't been here all that long, but with all the vitriol I see as a moderator on a tech forum (ignorant loudmouth buffoons are really passionate about other people's choices in computer hardware) the ACV comment sections are like sacred halls of peace.

Oh, I didn't know I have magic powers, awesome!

Please don't make me go to TV Tropes, I need my sleep! Have mercy, PLEASE!

Even as a European with a very, very, very dark sense of humor I fully understand why they changed it and it makes perfect sense to me. I most likely would have done the same thing.

I would watch that show.

Wow, that's a lot of text! I can't claim to have the time to read that at the moment, however I will put it into my collection of links and consider the various internet legends about Lost's tendency to make shit up as they went along refuted until further notice.

Oh, good one, indeed!

Holy wall of text! :O

Oh, we actually get an answer, cool!